The Stall Door Match

A friend posts on Facebook:
"One of my biggest fears in life just happened. I was in a single restroom and the door wasn’t properly locked and someone opened the door. 😭 "

This reminds the Rifleman of a similar instance...
I was in a stall, which would not latch. I realized this might become a possibility, so preparedness was the key. I was minding my own "business," when someone tried to open the stall door. I actually pushed the door back closed. 

Then a pushing match began!!! - each of us pushing on the stall door!!!

This lasted 3-5 seconds until I called out "occupied!" Then he quit pushing the stall door. To this day, I am still trying to figure out why anybody at any time would feel somebody pushing back on the other side of a stall door, and then continue to try to push to get inside. I mean, you already know that there's somebody in there.

Just doesn't make sense.


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