Counter Trolling

Via Twitter

RecceRifleman -

New pistol.  My 13 year old son got to break it in. 


#Libtard troll -
He fits the profile of a school mass shooter perfectly and you post it? Disturbing. You need a license for everything in the country but guns and parents - one of those will change very soon.
FYI - were not a patriarch. Things are changing and for the better. Get a grip.

RecceRifleman -
That's a negative, #Dipshit #Libtard

1. He is no beta-boy.
1. He is not fatherless.
1. He is not on psychotropic meds.
1. He is active in sports, extracurricular activities, and martial arts.
1. He has a fully functional patriarchal family.


Link  to the Rifleman's sources of this information.


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