
It snowed in these parts recently. Of course, school was closed, there wasn't milk or bread to be found at the grocery store - not that I would have eaten it anyways, Etc.

One day, as I was out and about on my regular job, I came across a poor fellow who could not get his truck out of the parking lot. He would put it in reverse, move a couple of feet, and then the wheels would spin. After a couple of failed on his part, I realized I could help him.

** segue to memory sequence **
In the blizzard of 1993 comma after a while many people started to get out and about, even though all the snow and ice was not melted. As I lived in a hilly area of Chattanooga, TN, we saw many people get stuck at the bottom of a hill near our house. Since, on this part of the street, you had to go up a hill to go either way, these people would get stuck.

My dad proposed an ingenious way to help out, and have fun all at the same time. He, my brother, and I would take our sleds and sled down the hill. Then we would sit in the back of the person's truck - all three of us - and the combined weight over the wheels would give the vehicle enough traction to get up the hill. At the time, all three of us were over 200 pounds. Then we would slide down the hill again, and sit on another vehicle, and repeat the process. It was all the fun of sledding, without all the work of having to walk back up the hill.

And people were getting helped.
** end memory sequence **

I approached the poor fellow in his truck. He had his wife and small child with him. I suggested that I sit in the back end of his truck and that he would be able to get out of the parking lot. He seemed reluctant, but he also realized he had no other choice at this point in time. So I still don't has rear bumper, and lo and behold, he pulled right out.

He asked me how I knew how to do that. I told him it was an old Southerner's trick. He laughed, we waved, and he went on his way.


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