Political Fighting

Form a #cuckservative on social media:

As much as Matt Damon has been getting some (deserved) criticism for his comment about "why aren't we talking about the men who don't abuse women," it made me think about what I actually *do* post.


Another dynamic is my status as a member of the US military; POTUS is my ultimate boss, and while we're not prohibited from frank discussion of policies, we aren't supposed to be blatantly disrespectful. I would so love for the vast majority of US citizens to post under those constraints; it's actually clarifying. Don't ridicule the person, ridicule the policy (if you can); otherwise, think about the policy more than the person.

Conservatives tried playing by these rules for years. #Libtards won because conservatives were constrained by self-imposed rules to which  #Libtards would never adhere.

2016 was the rise of the #AltRight - fighting back under the same rules.
2017 was the crushing victory after crushing victory for the Right.
2018 must be where the advantage is pressed and Dims lose even more seats.


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