Dim Projection

Hollywood knew full well about the sexual predators in its midst. Harvey Weinstein and others. So they accused the Right of being sexual predators.

The Left are more likely to be mentally ill, and have instabilities. So they accuse the president of being mentally ill, unfit, or unstable.

Islam actively tries to kill homosexuals. So the Left accuses the Right of hating homosexuals.

Islam treats women as second-class Citizens. So the Left accuses the Right of trying to take rights away from women.

The Left advocates constantly for sexual impropriety. So, naturally, the Left accuses people on the Right of sexual impropriety.

The Democrats forced a government shutdown. So, naturally, the Democrats blamed the Republicans for forcing a government shutdown.

Democrats care more for illegals than they do US Citizens. So, naturally, Democrats accuse Republicans of not caring for US citizens.

Law 3 of SJW states that social justice warriors always project. Since the vast majority of Dims are social justice warriors, this applies to them wholesale, as well. Democrats always project.

Above are several recent examples of democrat projection.


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