Gamma Vs. Sigma

A female reader asked me to elaborate more on how to identify the difference between a Gamma and a Sigma. Here are some examples I have observed.
A guy who wants to be a pastor, but can't seem to find a gig anywhere. He works low level IT desk jobs. This type will attempt to use his "superior" knowledge of scripture to put you down at any given opportunity. Naturally, that scripture will be taken completely out of context.
A 400 lb, fedora-wearing, comic book mega fan. Claims to want to fight you, but would get winded walking up a short flight of stairs. This type will drop everything to White Knight for you in online forums. 
A guy who will call out "I'm the fastest!" but will not race.  He will repeat (ad nauseum) "I'm the strongest!" but won't demonstrate it. These claims are even more asinine because he is a scrawny guy - not at all a physical specimen.  Behavior you'd expect from a 4 year old. 
Has supper with the boss, 8 times in the past 3 years. Boss is a clear Alpha. Seven of those eight times, the boss remarks that the waitress was interested in him, the Sigma.
Shows up to a group to learn and practice a skill. After a short time, the group wants him as their leader.  His skill exceeds all others there by a wide margin. He just wants to pursue that endeavor. 

The Sigma is walking through a hotel lobby. The female Front Desk clerk will disregard the conversation with the customer in front of her in order to look up and wish the Sigma a great day. She does so with a twinkle in the eye and a bright smile.  She does not do this with others walking through - Betas, Deltas, and Gammas - but stays focused on her customer at hand, instead. 


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