Divorce Quick Hitters

Recently saw some drama on social media about a pastor who was getting a divorce. The vast majority of the replies were support for this pastor, because pastors are no different than ordinary people. However, there were some who were holding this pastor to a standard that, frankly, is not possible to keep in modern America. So here are some quick hitters.

Marriage as defined by the modern US legal system and marriage as defined by the Bible are two totally separate entities.

According to the US legal system, any person can divorce their spouse, whether or not the spouse wants to be divorced.

When a man gets custody of the kids, it's an indicator that there's something major wrong with the woman. Women get custody of the vast majority of the time.

If you have to heavily edit a photo to prove a point, then it's an indicator that your point is completely invalid, and you know it.

Divorce is a communicable disease among women. If a happily married woman spends time around other women who are divorced recently, or are getting a divorce, then there's a good chance she will catch the disease. Don't be surprised if she is soon getting a divorce herself.

A woman who does not wish to see or speak with her own children, has renounced Womanhood altogether.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.


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