Thursday Quick Hitters

The only correct time to take a knee is when accuracy is needed out to 300 yards.

Liberals hate memes because they are effective.

#fakenews CNN would have you believe Trump has lost political battles lately. Problem is, they cannot tell you what those battles were.

Getting blocked by liberals on Twitter is a badge of honor. I keep up with my notch count.

The more I interact with liberals, the more I realize that the vast majority are heavily medicated. Some even legally.

Take out the illegal immigrants votes, the dead votes, illegal votes, and the Democrat votes that were counted multiple times, and Trump won the popular vote by about 62 million to 54 million, give or take. And he ups his electoral vote count, as well.

Trump explains everything in Art of the Deal. It's a great read.

Bob Corker won't run for re-election. This is great news for Tennessee and the country.


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