My. Damn. President.


The sound of the homerun ball flying off the bat was heard yesterday. Are we talking about the all time  MLB homerun record for the league in a season?


We are talking about President Trump's speech to the UN yesterday.

He mentioned sovereignty like it's going out of style. And it was, before he was elected. 19 times he said it. And the globo-homos reacted as one might predict:

They were apoplectic. It threatens their globalist agenda. As my  Left Handed friend writes,

"By-and-large, the entrenched politicians are globalists. Those of us out here in “flyover country,” who are viewed by the establishment as hicks and hayseeds, are the nationalists. We’re the ones who stand for the National Anthem, insist on rule of law, mind our own business, and don’t want to see our great nation pillaged by those who come here to take and to destroy. For this, we are called “racists” and “white nationalists/supremacists.”

On the other hand, this guy gets it:

And my favorite line of the speech:

"The problem in Venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that socialism has been faithfully implemented."

Oh, yeah, and he called the North Korean dicktaster er, dictator, "Rocket Man." How cool is that!?!?


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