Why Anti - Trump?

Donald Trump has many enthusiastic supporters. Similarly and expectedly, he has many detractors. If you are one of his detractors, take the following quiz to see which type you are:

He's Racist
If this is why you don't like Trump, then you're an idiot. Seriously, what race has he spoken out against? The man is against illegal immigration - but illegal immigrants come in all races: black, white, hispanic, asian, etc.

He's Mysoginist
If this is why you don't like Trump, then you're an idiot. The only "woman" (term used loosely here) he has said misogynistic things about is Rosie O'Donnell. And she deserved every bit of it. Similarly, he will call out untrue and unfair criticism and attack - whether it comes from a male or a female. If you are so offended that he will actually call a woman out for lies or attacks, then you are the one with a problem, and that problem has a name: misandry. You are a misandrist!

He's a Clown Act
If this is the reason you don't like Trump, then you're an idiot. All of the other major candidates on the Democrat side since 2000 have been hell-bent on the outright destruction of America. All of the major candidates on the Republican side since Reagan have been hell-bent on the slightly slower destruction of America. Except Romney... he was outright hell-bent on the outright destruction of America like the Democrats. There's no question Trump loves America, and he is certainly not for her destruction, at any speed.

He Has No Government Experience
If this is the reason you don't like Trump, then you're an idiot. Weren't you - just four years ago - absolutely yearning for someone who hadn't been tainted by Washington? Hypocrite.

You Are Being Paid to Protest Trump
Enough said. Glad to see Trump is creating jobs for Americans before he actually gets in office!

You Actually Like Socialism
If this is the reason you don't like Trump, then you're an idiot. There are plenty of Socialist hell-holes you can move to if you really want Socialism. If you just want America to be a hell-hole, then you are the enemy and need to be dealt with as such. If you actually believe Socialism could work this time (since it never has before, and you know that), then come off your meds for 30 days and let's see if you're singing the same tune. Dollars to doughnuts says you won't.

You're an Establishment Republican
If this is the reason you don't like Trump, then you're an idiot. Not sure if you're an establishment Republican? Simple test - if you voted for McCain and/or Romney, but say you'll sit out of this one if Trump is the nominee, then you're an establishment Republican and an idiot. Do America a favor and just don't vote.

See another reason people don't like Trump that was missed? Comment below.


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