Gi Review

It has taken me a while to do this review proper. Mostly because I needed to wait on the right size jacket on the gi. That will be addressed in the review.

Note: I bought this uniform myself, and am not being paid for this review.

Ripstop Gi from -

On the surface, they seem to be some of the more reasonably priced companies. While that is surely the case, also look deeper... this is one of the few places where you can order separate sizes, as their pants and jackets are sold separately. I got pants for $22.95 + S&H and the jacket for 34.95 + S&H.

It's ripstop, need I say more?

As advertised?
Lightweight - very  much so. Barely weighs more than a lightweight karate gi. Most of the excess weight is in the collar area.

I wear an A4 is Brazilian sizes. I can take a Fuji off the rack and it fits perfectly. However, the jacket runs small and the pants run a bit big. I should have ordered an A3 pants and an A5 jacket from the start.


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