Don't Go Naked

In my not-so-humble opinion, there are a few changes of clothes every man should own:
Black Suit
This for funerals, weddings, and other formal occasions. Complete this with a white shirt (no button-down collar on this one) and a power tie. A power tie is typically blue or red. More rarely, a yellow or purple power tie can send signals of other importance. Shoes should hold a shine. Socks should be black.
Power Suit
Usually in a shade of brown or grey, this suit would be for interviews, and other slightly-less-formal situations. With this one, it is acceptable to have a shirt that is not white if you prefer. However, still no button-down collars on the shirt. Also acceptable are non-power ties, depending on circumstance. Shoes should hold a shine. Socks should be black or a dark color that does not clash with the pants nor the shirt, nor the tie.
Business Casual
Business slacks - usually grey, brown, olive, or khaki - coupled with a button-down long sleeve shirt. Polo shirts are acceptable in some circumstances, the most common is 90+ degree weather. Button down shirts for business casual may have button-down collars. In fact, that is preferred over traditional collars.  Shoes should hold a shine. Socks should be black or a dark color that does not clash with the pants nor the shirt.
Jeans and a favorite casual shirt are typical. Cargo pants are an acceptable alternative, as are some Polo shirts. Shorts are acceptable in many circumstances. Pajamas are not acceptable past 9 am or out in public. Socks can be white or some other lighter color (usually a tan or grey) as lon as the shoes are a white or light grey. Black ankle socks go wit most everything. Shoes may vary from sneakers to boots. No shoes with a shine coupled with jeans or cargo pants.
Heavy-duty khaki, olive drab, or camo is the rule of the day. Hiking boots are preferred if you have never been military. Also, if you have never been military, avoid current military camo patterns. If you have been or are current military - even reserves - military patterns are acceptable. Use the pattern your branch selects - do not use a pattern from another branch.
Mix top and bottom patterns with discretion.


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