All Things Sniper

This is a collection of thoughts I have on the movie American Sniper and the adjoining controversies. For the record, I've read the book, seen the movie, read the tweets, seen the interviews, etc.

The movie
The movie was very entertaining. I like military and action style movies and American Sniper certainly falls into this category. I felt it stayed true to the essence of the book, with only slight Hollywood modifications clearly put into place to give it a semblance of a plot.

The book
If you've read the book, then you know that Kyle was certainly a southern raised gentleman. That said, he was also a Navy SEAL. SEALs are known as having an ego - perhaps justly so, given their training and skills.

You cannot have read the book and deny the level of braggadocio Kyle maintains. From interviews I've seen of him while he was still alive, Kyle had a massive ego... tempered somewhat by his southern gentleman nature.

The lawsuit
Hard to mention this story without involving the lawsuit between Kyle and Jesse Ventura. So much has been written about it all that I'll simply mention facts here.

Kyle accused Ventura of treason. Yes, Ventura switched the target of the case to Kyle's wife - by extension of the fact that one cannot sue a dead person. One can, however, sue an estate. It's one of those "catches" of the American legal system, and not an indictment on Ventura's morals or lack thereof.

In the end, the JURY found that Chris Kyle lied with the willful intent of malice for the purpose of profiting from it. Ventura had the burden of evidence, and met it on all three points. And Kyle' widow is not a victim, as the publisher's insurance will pay the legal bill and award. Kyle's side had no evidence and their witnesses not only lacked credibility, but they destroyed the credibility of Kyle's claims.

By the way - Kyle had only given 2% of the proceeds to charities, not the 100% he claimed. And after the success of the book and movie, neither Kyle's wife nor kids should ever have to work again.

The coward
Michael Moore, idiot at large, claimed Kyle's actions (sniper related killing of the enemy) were the actions of a coward.

So says the man who is obviously afraid of a treadmill and whose only hero seems to be the sandwich of the same name.

The war
Whatever your take on the propriety of the Iraq (and / or Afghanistan) War(s), I think Kyle's role was justified by the fact that his actions defended Americans. Maybe or maybe not those of us here stateside... we'll never know. Certainly he defended his fellow service members while in combat. If you disagree with them being there, as I do at this point, understand that the blame for that rests solely on Washington. Quit electing Democrats and Republicans and we just might stop getting involved in every one else's wars.

My thoughts
Chris Kyle certainly served a distinguished career. I feel that his desire to help veterans was admirable. I think he was a loving family man. I think he was imperfect, as we all are. I think his biggest flaw was keeping with the truth. And however that plays out in the earning of millions of dollars for the telling of his story, it does not take away from Kyle's truly heroic actions, nor does it take away from his distinguished service.

In times long past, Kyle would be a Medal of Honor recipient, and rightly so.

Oh, and after seeing the movie, I really want an MK12 and an MK18.



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