Which Way I Vote

I'm breaking from tradition here and going to lay out in advance the people for whom I shall vote in the August 7 primary.

Note: I will be voting in the Republican Primary, as there are more issues relevant to me in this one than on the Democrat side.

There is no way I'll vote for Haslam. Didn't before and will not now.
I plan to vote for Mark "Coonrippy" Brown in the primary.
It is likely that Haslam will win the nomination, and if that happens, I plan to vote for Shaun Crowell in the General Election.

US Senate
Joe Carr
Do you really need to ask me why?
(62% - how often Lamar! votes with Obama)

US Congress
Jerry Lowery
Diane Black is shifty and unreliable.

TN Senate
Mae Beavers
One of only two incumbents for whom I plan to vote this year.
(The other is my City Councilman & Vice Mayor - James Maness).

TN Representative
It is likely that Susan Lynn will win the nomination.
Her likely (guaranteed) Democrat opponent, McLevain, sides a lot with Obama. Not gonna vote for him, so I'll look to an Independent candidate or a write-in. Might even write in my own name.
Susan Lynn will never get my vote again for being a crony of the governor.

While I have some local favorites, there is no clear cut best candidate. Generally speaking I'll not vote to re-elect anyone. 
That said, I'll vote to replace sitting TN Supreme Court Justices Clark, Lee, and Wade. 

Amendment 1
I'll vote YES
The legislature should be empowered to vote on abortion issues. 

Amendment 2
I'll vote NO
Judges should be elected, not appointed. 

Amendment 3
I'll vote YES
This should make it impossible (or at least really hard) for the legislature to pass a state income tax.

Amendment 4
I'll vote YES
This should allow 501 (c) 19 organizations (like VFW and American Legion) to hold raffles, etc. - like 501 (c) 3 organizations can now do. .

That's as detailed as I'll get here. 



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