Faith in Christ Alone

John 14:6
Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Does this invalidate the Covenant God made with the Jews? What about the provisions within Judaism for the Noahide code (salvation for righteous Gentiles)? 

In Short: not at all. 
Here is how we get there...

What is so special about Christ?
There are two major schools of thought: the mainline thoughts fall under the umbrella concept that Christ's death satisfied God's demand for punishment of sin for those who believe in Him. The alternative view does not necessarily diminish Jesus' Lordship, but simply falls more in line with the modern Jewish thought that atonement is not necessary in light of Faith, repentance, and Godly works. 

I will not go into more, as there are several major schools of thought within each umbrella. Suffice it to say, at the base, we all agree to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. 

Why belief in Jesus Christ does not contradict the "Old" Covenant
Because Jesus is Lord. He is part of what we know as "God."

Why belief in God does not contradict belief in Jesus Christ
Because Jesus is Lord. He is part of what we know as "God."

What does John 14:6 mean?
Like so many verses in the Bible, it is an urge from God for us to believe in Him - the One, True God. As opposed to believing in Buddha, or Baal, etc.



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