Calvinist Corner - September 2013

Calvinism is not Biblical Doctrine. It's a human philosophy that appeals to proud-minded individuals.

Calvinism provides an outlet to this pride.

"God chose me!"
"God chose me?"

Both statements are equally proud. The only difference is the manifestation of the pride. The unifying thought is the underlying and understood connotation: God chose me... over someone else.

Calvinists will argue that the statement is "God chose me?" And that this is not said in pride. They quickly dismiss the notion of the natural and certainly intended "over someone else" part.

An example of Calvinist pride:

"I’m so Calvinist that I won’t let my wife plant anything but TULIPS. I’m so Calvinist that all my outlines or lists have only 5 points."

- DJB, proud Calvinist

God sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross so that the price of our sins would be paid. That Free Gift was made available for all man, but with the full understanding that not all mankind would accept the gift. Many are called, but few are chosen. The chosen ones are not chosen as per some heretical fantasy of predestinated action, but by their own free will of accepting the Gift of Salvation. 

Jesus did not die for a select few.

Jesus died for us all. Only a few, however, will accept the Gift that comes from Christ's death.Those that accept become God's chosen people. The word chosen does not refer to whom will be saved, but rather, what the saved person will be chosen to receive.



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