
Showing posts from September, 2013

All That Matters

I attended a martial arts seminar a while back. It was fun and informative. I've decided to put into words some of my experiences and resulting thoughts and feelings on things learned there. One concept I am a fan of, that was reinforced at this seminar, was the importance of learning new techniques, regardless of the usefulness of said techniques. WHAT??? You heard me - it is good to learn new techniques, even if those techniques don't really work. But WHY? Because you are learning how to move your body in new ways. And that, in the end, is all that really matters. You can discard the technique from your fighting repertoire.  But a warrior should take every opportunity to master himself. .

40 Things

Found this a while back: 40 things every self-respecting man should own . My take: 1. My suit is grey, not black. 3. No. Just. No. 4. Not in this government controlled market. 8. With the smart phone, this is a rarity. I still have one. 12. I have regular luggage, thank you. 15. I need to get one of these. 18. Why??? 19. I need one of these, too. 27. That was so 7 years ago... (but I still have one) 29. Not needed, but I understand why it is on there. 31. Not with the advent of the Keurig. (32 & 33 shouldn't have to be said... of course I have those!) 34. Oh, baby, yeah! 36. Nope. 40. Yep. So, out of that group,  I do not own 8 of the items. Two of those I need to purchase. .

Poetry In Motion

I attended a martial arts seminar a while back. It was fun and informative. I've decided to put into words some of my experiences and resulting thoughts and feelings on things learned there. Economy of motion is essential. We did a few movements in the seminar that might have otherwise been effective, but relied too much on excessive motion. Couple this with the lack of training against a resisting partner, and that's how you get movements and techniques that wind up with marginal effectiveness. A similar concept to economy of motion is how much effort is required. If you must put 100% effort into a technique to make it work with a non-resisting partner, that technique is not likely to work against a resisting opponent. Another similar concept is that of natural movement in motion. I've heard expert martial artists be referred to as "poetry in motion." This is what happens when a person gets adept at a really fundamental movement and makes it look very eas...

Post 2000

This is post # 2000 that has been published on this blog. .

Then and Now

As the funding of Obamacare is debated in the Senate, a story is brought to my attention: 30,000 years ago, two caveman tribes were hunting the same territory. Each tribe had around 15 members (give or take). At the end of the day, Tribe Oonga was able to hunt down and kill a deer. Meanwhile, Tribe Bunga was not as successful, only able to catch a rabbit this fine day. The two tribes rarely had interaction, but if they were in America today, here's how things would go: We will assume a deer of 120 pounds.  Of this, on average, 40 pounds of meat can be taken.  This will be our baseline.  US Democrat Party (Socialist platform) - This arm of the government would want to take half the deer from Oonga and give it to Bunga. In the process, they would take 60% of the meat for themselves (24 pounds for the government), leaving only 16 pounds of meat. That sounds like a lot, but split among 30 individuals, it is barely enough food for a day - barely more than 8 ounce...

But Not Dramatic Interpretation

I attended a martial arts seminar a while back. It was fun and informative. I've decided to put into words some of my experiences and resulting thoughts and feelings on things learned there. One topic that came through loud and clear, though not being taught directly, was the importance of correct training. Resistance One presenter had us practice moves against partially resisting, then fully resisting partners. Many people's techniques did not measure up under full resistance. This has happened in the martial arts for a long time: people experiment with cooperative partners in the dojo, and the move works fine. But they never test it live, so they never refine the move, and they don't really know if the move is even plausible. Creative or Strict Interpretation In my son's Taekwondo class, many moves and strategies are taught that are good fundamental basics. However, to be applied to a resisting partner or opponent, the practitioner must get creative for s...

Backup Plans

I attended a martial arts seminar a while back. It was fun and informative. I've decided to put into words some of my experiences and resulting thoughts and feelings on things learned there. The importance of a lesson plan cannot be underestimated. In my dojo, I am anal about having lesson plans and sticking to them. This makes life simple in so many ways, it is too difficult to count them all. Nowadays, if asked to teach on the spur of the moment, I simply think back a bit to a lesson plan, and teach it. That situation has happened several times, with much success. At the seminar, a presenter was asked last minute to fill in for one of the regularly scheduled presenters. It quickly became clear that the sub did not have a lesson plan, as he missed making many points. He rambled frequently, and when he would have us break to practice, most individuals had no clue exactly what to practice.  Meanwhile, I've had to fill in under similar circumstances on many occasions. Ne...

Accentuate the Positive

I attended a martial arts seminar a while back. It was fun and informative. I've decided to put into words some of my experiences and resulting thoughts and feelings on things learned there. One presenter at the seminar, who was a fellow firearms enthusiast, made a great point. If, as instructors, we coach our students by saying: "don't do XYZ!" over and over, we are putting the thought into their head. As a matter of how the human subconscious works, if the mind is thinking of something, the positive and negative commands  are easily confused. By saying "don't do XYZ," you actually imprint the thought of "XYZ" into their mind. When the time comes, the student will do XYZ, because they are thinking about it. Example: A friend is climbing a ladder and expresses a fear of heights. You say "don't look down" a lot, and what is the first thing they will do? Yup... look down. Instead, coach to the positive: "do ABC!...

Not As They Appear

I attended a martial arts seminar a while back. It was fun and informative. I've decided to put into words some of my experiences and resulting thoughts and feelings on things learned there. First up, I'd like to speak of what I observed of one presenter. The man was a Judo player who taught a standing headlock escape and a few groundwork situations resulting from natural variances thereof. Some of his methods were identical to what I teach. Some were different, but similarly effective. One option he taught worked for a person with good strength, but there were easier options. How effective his techniques were is not the topic, though. What is more important was how he presented himself. He stated he had over the years taught special forces and been "in the sandbox" himself. The veracity of his claims are immaterial with regards to his legitimacy as an instructor, but he clearly felt the need to impress upon us students these qualifications. Later, he was talkin...

You Want What???

I almost never make same-day posts any more. Usually, I have somewhere between 4 and 8 weeks of material pre-planned and set to come out, and add stuff here and there for the following week if it is of importance. This one was too good! Immediate-post material. I am in my living room, watching football this afternoon (less than an hour prior to this post). I get a call: Caller: Yes, I'm looking to purchase a taekwondo uniform. The internet said you sell those? Me: Sure. A taekwondo uniform, you said? Caller: Yes. Do you keep those in stock? Me: I'm sorry, I do not keep any uniforms in stock, much less taekwondo uniforms since I don't teach taekwondo. That said, I'd be glad to order one for you. Is this for you or someone else? Caller: It's for my son. Me: OK. Does he take taekwondo already? Caller: Yes. He takes taekwondo in Watertown, TN. He has outgrown his old uniform. Me: Does his instructor not sell uniforms? Caller: The instructor sel...

Expected Results

A few days ago, Starbucks' CEO stated that guns are no longer permitted in Starbucks stores. That same day, a man tried to rob one at gunpoint . Fortunately for that Las Vegas, NV location, there happened to be an off-duty police officer there to foil the attempt. Nevertheless, there is a connection, and I am afraid we will hear more stories like this. .

Can't Add

At the hearing: Attorney: "And you say that your husband would make fun of you?" Dependopotamus: "Yes. He would make fun of me for not being able to do math." Atty: "In what way?" Dependopotamus: "I never learned how to carry the one, or whatever it's called." That's right. She was completely incapable of simple arithmetic... even with pencil and paper. .

Square 1

Back in August, I had an opportunity, so I took it. My daughter had just started kindergarten, and my wife had just started her job. So we agreed I should work close to home for a couple of weeks so as to assist the children as they got into the correct routine for getting up, getting dressed, and getting on the school bus each morning. In the evenings, I had a bit of extra time. I've been watching the kids do Taekwondo at Spirit Martial Arts for 5+ years. I know the routines, and I figured I'd try it out. Background: I started martial arts (Judo) in 1982. Started Wado-Ryu karate in 1985, and currently hold 5th Dan Black Belt in it. I also hold 1st Dan in Okinawan Kempo and 6th Dan in a Japanese style of Jiu-Jitsu. It is Jiu-Jitsu that I teach at my dojo. So I purchased a do-bak from Mr. Smith, threw on the old white belt, and attended a few classes at his Dojang. Here are some observations: Uniform The most comfortable uniform I own is a good, soft, jiu-jitsu uniform....

Commands Laws Suggestions

God gives us a number of commands, laws, and suggestions in the Bible. How does one differentiate? Which are to be obeyed? How many are there of each? So many important questions, and this post is designed to enlighten the reader as to the meaning of each. COMMANDS Commands of God differentiate sin from obedience. To be fair, there are three groups which could be considered commands: 1. Greatest Commandment ( Matthew 22:34-40 ): When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had left the Sadducees speechless, they met together. One of them, a legal expert, tested him. “Teacher, what is the greatest commandment in the Law?” He replied, “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: You must love your neighbor as you love yourself . All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands.” 2. Decalogue - "Ten Commandments" ( Exodus 20:1-17 ...

Did He Or Didn't He?

Yesterday, a mentally unstable man killed 13 people in a Navy yard. At first, it was being reported that the now-dead gunman shot the people with an AR15 rifle. The FBI has officially commented , forcing CNN and others to change their story . Of course, the NSA's spying programs did nothing to stop the guy... prompting myself and others to wonder if this was either set up, or allowed to happen specifically so the government and media could attack 2nd Amendment rights. Some of the media were preemptively taking up arms against guns. Other media outlets simply took advantage of the situation. We already know that the shooter was a liberal , and had several run-ins with the law in the past, including having been violent with a gun. DC gun laws didn't keep this from happening. Navy gun restrictions didn't keep this from happening.  We need to ban mentally unstable liberals... not guns. .

Salvation in the Old Testment

How were people saved from condemnation prior to the death of Jesus Christ on the cross? How were people saved from condemnation who hadn't heard of Jesus' sacrifice soon (or not so soon) thereafter? How are people saved from condemnation today who have never heard of Jesus Christ? Simple - salvation is God's gift, and is granted by His grace through faith.  The answer is the same in the New Testament, and in the Old Testament. Among the many places salvation by grace through faith is taught, is Deuteronomy 30 : Now, once all these things happen to you, the blessing and the curse that I’m setting before you, you must call them to mind as you sit among the various nations where the Lord your God has driven you; and you must return to the Lord your God, obeying his voice, in line with all that I’m commanding you right now — you and your children — with all your mind and with all your being. Then the Lord your God will restore you as you were before and will have com...

Global Warming Hoax

Scientists have admitted that the idea of global warming is completely false. Computer models were exaggerated. The warming trend, if it is even real, is less than half of what we have been told. Of course, we have known for a while that "greenhouse gasses" are not a cause of global warming, but instead, follow the natural cyclical warming periods.  Ironically, this news breaks virtually on the eve of the DVD release of An Inconsistent Truth - an expose movie of the inconsistencies of the global warming myth. .

This is My Rifle, This is My Gun

I get asked a LOT what my go-to gun is for SHTF situations. Typically, on this blog , I've gone the route of explaining advantages to major or otherwise common setups. However, for this one article, I'll break with tradition and give you an idea of what you'd see me carrying if you survived the first day of the apocalypse. RIFLE I like a lot of platforms. The AR15 is clearly my choice for a number of reasons. Of the different AR15 configurations, my #1 choice is the RECCE style setup. It combines the length and maneuverability of the M4 with the accuracy of a NRA highpower rifle. Here is is: The rifle has been outfitted with: - an RRA match grade trigger - a 12" LaRue quad rail - 16" SS barrel from Black Hole Weaponry - Magpul furniture - ACOG (with LaRue quick detach mount) The ACOG is one of many choices in optics. The reason I went with the ACOG on my RECCE, as opposed to keeping it on my M16A4 clone is simple... the ACOG I have (TA31F) was ca...

Calvinist Corner - September 2013

Calvinism is not Biblical Doctrine. It's a human philosophy that appeals to proud-minded individuals.   Calvinism provides an outlet to this pride. "God chose me!" "God chose me?" Both statements are equally proud. The only difference is the manifestation of the pride. The unifying thought is the underlying and understood connotation: God chose me... over someone else . Calvinists will argue that the statement is "God chose me?" And that this is not said in pride. They quickly dismiss the notion of the natural and certainly intended "over someone else" part. An example of Calvinist pride: "I’m so Calvinist that I won’t let my wife plant anything but TULIPS. I’m so Calvinist that all my outlines or lists have only 5 points." - DJB, proud Calvinist Truth God sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross so that the price of our sins would be paid. That Free Gift was made available for all man, but w...

Build or Buy

A question I am asked a lot from friends, blog readers, and others is "build or buy?" (Specifically, when it comes to an AR15) A few moments to clarify your wants / needs... First - if you are experienced in shooting AR15 rifles, and are looking for a specific kind of rifle, you aren't even asking this question. You are building. That should be a hint for the rest out there. If you are wanting a specific type, other than the standard "M4" then you will be best suited by building. Be Honest Are you going to shoot this a couple of times, then just keep it in the safe or sell it? If there is a better than average chance of this, then just buy an M4 type at Wal-Mart and be done. They are currently running under $850 locally, and though you could certainly build it cheaper, just save everyone some time and effort. Buy Military Were you in the military, and now you want one like what you carried? Want one like what another unit carried? Want to make it...

1000 Yards With an AR15

A blog writer makes 1000-yard shots with a rack grade AR15 and rack grade ammo.

Employee huh-huh?

My readers have been very nice to me lately, sending all sorts of hilarious material. Of course, if there were not so many stupid people in the world, then the material would not exist. This was submitted to me recently for publication, and has been only slightly edited: Employee appreciation week is a total joke Remember the keyword WEEK What do they appreciate? Brown nosing? Day one: enjoy free goodies distributed by your supervisor Goodies included are a small tote bag, a single pack of trail mix, a casual day sticker which no one ever uses, and a token to get into the casino the next day. Day two: enjoy one full hour at the casino Except the 10 minutes it takes to walk down there in the 10 minutes to walk back. Then you walk into the casino and see that they scheduled too many people to go in there at one time. Therefore, you just wasted 20 minutes of your life walking down there only to see all of the game tables are overcrowded & t...

Study This

I found that an in-depth study has already been performed on the likes of Dependopotamus. A sketch of the findings: .

Went Swimming

I've decided to give Dependopotamus some attention this week. Heard she went swimming with some of her friends this summer at her luxury apartment pool: .

I Report, You Decide

A while back, I posted an article about how Dependopotamus testified in court that my brother had starved her while she was pregnant. Well, a "reader" wrote in and challenged my assertion (based on testimony given in the case, evidence, as well as my own observation), saying that it is entirely possible this happened. This reader would have you believe that Dependopotamus was perhaps, starved. Reader says this thing happens in America more often than we would like to admit. I will not and cannot speculate as to how often pregnant women in America are being starved by their husbands. Due to the fact that I haven't heard of it on the news, it is logical to assume that either A) it's not common, or B) it is a problem, and it is being covered up or neglected in the media. Back to what I can report on: things I've witnessed: Nov. 2007 Those are the doors in front of our laundry room. I am 6'2" and 220 pounds. I am only as wide as one door. Depen...

How You Look At It

My wife recently took a position at a preschool. On the meet and greet day with the parents, she was quizzed by a concerned parent. The parent had just overheard how my wife was new to the preschool. Of course, this tidbit of information did not tell the parent the whole story. The resultant conversation was quite funny: Parent: "And how many children are in your class?" Mrs. U: "Nine." Parent: (incredulous) "NINE?!?!?!?! How on Earth do you plan to take care of all these children?" Mrs. U: "It shouldn't be hard..." Parent: "Shouldn't be hard?!?!?! My son's class last year had only six children. So I ask again: how do you plan to deal with nine children at one time?!?!?!" Mrs. U: "I have several years' experience as a classroom teacher in the public schools. There we had up to 35 children per teacher. I also have several years' experience as a director for a [large, well-known tutoring firm], whic...