Are You Threatening Me?

Nope, not a Cornholio reference. It came in the divorce hearing:

D-pot's Atty: "Tell me what happened with your cat, Cocoa?"

Dependopotamus: "My husband, in a drunken stupor, made threats that he would kill Cocoa."

D-pot's Atty: "When was this?"

Dependopotamus: "After I filed for divorce and he was served with papers - early in March 2011."

** a little while later **

Atty: "You mentioned your husband threatened you cat, Cocoa?"

Dependopotamus: "Yes. He did."

Atty: "And you loved Cocoa very much?"

Dependopotamus: "Very much!"

Atty: "How long did you have Cocoa?"

Dependopotamus: "15 years. I got her as a kitten in 1994, and she died in 2009."

Atty: "But you testified that your husband threatened the cat in 2011?"

Dependopotamus: "He did!"

Atty: "But the cat died in 2009?"

Dependopotamus: "Yes."

Atty: "Dependopotamus, were you the one that was really drunk that night??? How could your husband kill a cat that had been dead for two years already?"

Dependopotamus: "Well, ummm. I mean... errr..."



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