Types of Calvinists
In my travels and discussions, I've come across Calvinists of all sorts of backgrounds. Now mind you, Calvinists are a distinct minority in Christian circles - I would estimate far less than 5% of Christians are Calvinist. But I've noticed a few types that repeat themselves, and since I like to categorize things, here goes: Presbyterian Most of these folks are good people. Most of them are Christian. Most grew up in the Presbyterian Church and have ventured to few other places of worship. Presbyterian Calvinists (PCs) generally are not into research, hence the reason they continue to believe in Calvinism. PCs almost never have a very inquisitive nature when it comes to the Bible, or their beliefs. Often, they might not even know all five points of Calvinism ("TULIP"). Hyper Calvinist Hyper Calvinists are usually Presbyterian, and rarely Baptist. They consider themselves the purest form of Calvinist, as they disagree with the Five Points the least, and as they em...