
Showing posts from May, 2012

Education and Employment 1

From the Examiner : ----- One can barely search the job boards online without running into dozens of ads from numerous institutions attempting to solicit the job seeker to come to them for education purposes. Without a doubt, having the right knowledge is crucial to getting most jobs: how many times does a nursing position require the applicant to be a CPA? But the question arises, what is the balance between enough knowledge, and too much or useless knowledge? Tricky question, and the answer is more complex than one might think. Having the correct knowledge and skills is a prerequisite for most positions in the workplace. In many instances, the only way to acquire the knowledge is through some sort of training. This article is the first of a three-part series, because there are three main ways that education / knowledge can improve a job applicant's success in the job market: education for the screening, education for the job, and education for the interview. The fir...

Just can't get it right

The TSA fails more than any organization I've ever seen. Under mounting pressure, the TSA has decided to ease screening procedures for folks over age 75. Then they announce it to the world.  Isn't that like an invite for the terrorists to next use a senior  for their next assault??? .

The ATF gets one wrong

While we are at it, show me the part of the US Constitution that allows for the existence of the ATF? Can't, you say. Fine, lets do away with the ATF while we are doing away with the TSA. One blogger nearly gets in big trouble because an ATF agent doesn't know the rules he is hired to enforce. .

With respect


Has it started?

Has the zombie apocalypse started? A man in FL was attacked and his face half-eaten by another man. Link to story . .

This is all


This is messed up

A former high school football star, Brian Banks, spent six years in jail for a rape he did not commit . Recently, his accuser contacted him to admit it never happened. I think in a case like this, the false accuser ought to face the same amount of jail time that the falsely accused faced. In this case, a potential 41 years in jail. How do you ever make things right for this man, who spent six years of his life in jail??? What was the motivation for this woman to falsely accuse Banks? From the article: 'I will go through with helping you but it's like at the same time all that money they gave us, I mean gave me, I don't want to have to pay it back.' So she wanted a free payday, and to get it, she lied about rape and got an innocent man convicted and sent to jail for a crime he never committed. .

It's not about Happiness

Recently, I was speaking with a good friend about a decision my family came to. He said to me: "you've got to do what will make you happy." Although my friend's words were technically correct (in the sense of that is something I am obligated to do for my family), what I didn't realize at the time was that this was not at all the reason my family and I were making the decision we are making. We must make a decision that is in our best interest, yes - but this decision had nothing to do with happiness. The decision is one about leadership. My friend and I actually disagree about this one, but the core principles are still there, so his advice to me is sound, and well regarded. The "leader" in question happens to share some traits with President Obama, which I am about to detail - for the sake of showing how we as voters must vote Obama out, and how it's not about happiness. It's not about happiness: it's about ethics, morals, and survival...

Blackberry thoughts

Businesses can only create jobs and opportunity. Government can only take away.

Disband the TSA

This U S Representative seems to get it. Disband or privatize . .

Fo Shizzle

8 words that may not mean what you think they mean . .

I'm too sexy for this job...

A woman was fired from her temp job for being "too hot" she claims. Link to article . What say you? .

Good Answer

A reader forwarded this statement to me. Seemed to apply in my brothers ongoing divorce: "A morally stronger person always marries a morally weaker person, every time. And a morally stronger person, how do we know them? Because they look for solutions when trouble comes. That's how they use their energy. How does a morally weaker person? They run, they blame, and they defend. That's what they use their energy for. That's how we know who the morally weaker person is." .

Good Shoot - Nashville

An intruder breaks into a house in Nashville, and gets shot. Funny on this news clip - they ask if the homeowner is facing charges. The answer will be "NO." We have Castle Doctrine in Tennessee. Thanks to my sis for the link. .

Very True


Games 5.21.12

Last week's games were rained out, and will be made up next week.  Again, we lost both games, dropping to 7-5 on the season. Scores were 13-12 and 18-9. I was 1-3, and only played the first game. No RBI, no runs scored. Worst night at the plate all season. Stats: (21+1)/(33+3) = 22/36 = 0.611 Runs scored: 9 RBI: 11 Team is 7-5 .

Gun review - M1 (Garand)

A couple of years ago, I bought an M1 (Garand) from the CMP. From this link , I ordered a Service Grade, and it was and still is a nice rifle. Cost was (at the time) $595 for the rifle, and I also ordered $96 worth of ammo. Add in shipping, club membership, and the total was $714. I understand the rifles are about $100 more these days. Still worth it - especially if you have seen M1 prices at gun shows or gun shops (usually over $1000). One of my favorite features of the rifle are the peep sights. Adjustable in increments of 1 MOA (approximately 1" at 100 yards) for elevation and windage, you can dial in pretty accurately. There are hash marks on the elevation which are designed to put you on target at given ranges (100-yard increments to over 1000 yards). While the vaunted .30-06 round is certainly capable at 1000 yards, the real aimed combat effectiveness of this rifle is about 500 yards with an expert shooter using iron sights. The rifle features an internal m...

Be a man!

Found this via an old friend on Facebook: 10 things a man can do to fight hard for his son . In this day in age of wimpified men and an all-out assault on men in general by the media, it's good to know that some Christian organizations are standing up for the beauty of God's creation known as masculinity. Pops was guilty of all ten things. I can gladly say I fervently do 1-9 and try to do #10 as much as possible. How about you? .

Church today

Wonderful and fascinating to watch my 7-y-o son take notes in church worship service.

Summer o' Fun

So I did a review on The Avengers . Seems there will be a lot of movies this summer and later this year that I'd like to see. In no particular order: - Prometheus (OK, so I want to see this one the most) - Battleship (already out) - MIB 3 - Spider Man - Dark Knight - GI Joe - Expendables 2 (still need to see the first one) - Atlas Shrugged 2 - Taken 2 (can't possibly be as good as the first, but I still wanna see it!) - Red Dawn - The Hobbit And then next year, there will be: - Thor 2 - Iron Man 3 - Man of Steel - Wolverine - Star Trek 2 - Robocop - Ninja Turtles .

Cool Movie

So this weekend, I took the kids to see The Avengers in 3D. This was the second time we have seen the movie. The first time we saw it, the movie was shown in regular two-dimension aspect (not 3D). I understand that The Avengers tied the record for quickest to $1 Billion. I can see why: it is a really fun movie. The Avengers themselves who appear in the movie include Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, the Hulk (aka Incredible Hulk), Black Widow, and Hawkeye. Hero vs. Hero When I was a boy, we would talk about which super hero would beat which other super hero. My son talks about the same now. This movie gives you a bit of that, but no definitive answer (except that maybe the Hulk cannot be stopped by any of them). You also find out what happens when Thor uses his hammer, Mjolnir , against Captain America's shield. Basically, neither instrument is damaged, but it levels the entire scene around them. Iron Man vs. Thor is a draw. Thor blasts Iron Man with a lightning charge, a...

Where it starts

Someone asked me the other day via email where my distaste for Calvinism began. So here it is, and you will see that the origin of my distaste also explains why I dislike Calvinism. I have been aware since childhood of the concept of predestination, the founding idiocy of 5-point Calvinism. My mother took great care in making sure that we knew doctrine - true and false - that we might have discernment. Additionally, my junior year Bible class did a segment on predestination: it was open discussion, with the teacher (who is now the Principal of the school) offering points and counterpoints to each side of the debate without revealing his personal beliefs. But all of this was less than important to me for a great while. In fact, it was 1998 before I really gave predestination a thought again. Here's how it came about: I attended UTC , and was active in the BSU . At the time, I actually taught a jiu-jitsu class at the BSU. Met many good friends there - many of whom I keep in con...

What a bunch of boobs!

And not the nice kind. Gander Mountain has turned its back on the NRA . You'd think they would know what groups their clients belong to... but that seems irrelevant to them. Thanks to Shall Not Be Questioned for the heads-up. I agree with SNBQ, we should boycott Gander Mountain. Won't be hard - their prices are ridiculously high.

HR people are that stupid

A reader submitted this one to me. At first I thought "no way - nobody could be that stupid." But then, we are dealing with HR people. HR people are the only people on the planet with a "professional" job that can give auditors a run for their money on stupidity. My reader was interviewing with a company for a work-from-home job. It was IT help desk work. The company has a client in VA that needs support. Hence the following dialogue: HR Buffoon: "And what time zone are you in?" Reader: "Central Time zone. Nashville, TN area." HR Buffoon: "At this time, I must inform you that we will not be pursuing your candidacy further. We need someone in the Eastern time zone." Reader: "It is an hour difference. You mean to tell me I cannot work for you because of time zone??? Tell me how that's different than simply asking me if I could work 9-6 instead of 8-5???" HR Buffoon: "Thank you for your interest in our comp...

Presidential Politics

After much deliberation and research, I've decided to vote this fall for Presidential candidate Gary Johnson (Libertarian party). Certainly a vote I will not have to "hold my nose" in order to cast. I urge my readers to follow suit. .

Album Review

Another one that is 14 years late. But I just got this one a few weeks ago, so I'll still review it. Garage, Inc . - Metallica This album has two discs: the first one has some songs recorded in 1998. The second is songs recorded throughout the 1980's and 1990's. Each song is a cover of a song originally performed by another band.  The album cost $14.99 from Best Buy. Disc 1: This disc has the more commonly known songs. Generally, a group covers a song because they like it. Perhaps it inspires them. I think this was true for Metallica. However, they blew this one out of the water. Every song was better than the original. Usually, a cover is done to pay homage, or to give a band's personalized interpretation. That is true here, but the songs were simply performed at a higher level. I know that many who read this will disagree about the covers being better than the originals, but it is the simple truth. And what's more - I do not think Metallica set out to ...


This stands as is. Something else I noticed- First, replace the word "work" with "think." Next, replace the word "liberalism" with: 1. "Calvinism" - MATCH! 2. "Pro-Choice" - MATCH! 3. "Gun control" - MATCH!   (except I was a gun enthusiast at 12, but you get the point) .

Adult Bullies

From this link : This situation doesn’t end in junior high or high school. The social bully, being even more emboldened, proceeds through life pushing people around caring nothing for others. And why should they care? The good citizens, those with families and careers, have been taught by example that they are ones with everything to lose. Hell, so-called safety experts offer advice to just “give them what they want” and “don’t fight back”. ... The social bully is dangerous because he or she looks just like your neighbor across the street. They don’t wear ski-masks and hide near the ATM. The social bully is in the restaurant, the movie theater, and the grocery store. Because the social bully doesn’t fit the pre-existing villain stereotype, he/she often is able to attack before the good citizen realizes what is happening. Beware. That internet coward you come across might just "snap." That person that thinks you cut them off might follow you. Folks, self defe...

Church Hoppers

Recently came across this song... which I was first introduced to during my early teen years. Total hilarity. And it's funny because it's true. Church Hoppers DBoy Just in case you are wondering, I have been a member of exactly two churches in the past 20 years. The reason for the change then was an out of town move. Know any church hoppers? I sure do. As the song says, they are really flaky people. .

Butt-Burglar In Cheif?

Recently, Newsweek declared Obama the first gay president. Interestingly enough, the Kansas Citian found some evidence of same. .

Say What???

Pops-ism, even though the funny thing said didn't come from Pops - but from someone speaking to him. Pops has always been the type of guy people go to for answers: like the farmer on the Farm Bureau commercials . This was just one such time. A mother was talking with Pops when her kids came up. She addressed them: Female: "Kids, let's go. We need to get your jackets." Kids: "Why?" Female: "Because a cold wind is moving in from the North. Oooh - which way is North, Pops?" .

Shocking, I know

From Matthew 23 : “How terrible it will be for you legal experts and Pharisees! Hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs. They look beautiful on the outside. But inside they are full of dead bones and all kinds of filth." Most people (me included) find the people that use their hypocrisy to put others down, to be quite odd. This oddball bunch imagine themselves religiously superior, or intellectually superior, or maybe even superior by the mythical notion of unconditional election . Many people who do this use "religion" as their tool. Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ spoke about just such a type. I find the people who are like this fascinating. They are a group very small in number and they take such weird turns in life. They do everything so they can gain attention for themselves. They might even be quite adept at quoting scripture... usually twisting it to fit their own agenda. They accuse others of things they themselves are guilty of. As always, they ...

Don't I know you?

I know some folks for whom this is true... if you take the adulterous innuendo and change it to a masturbatory innuendo. .

For a recent trip to West Tennessee

Random cattle (or horse, maybe?) feed bags - top was orange, bottom was white. Don't know the brand. Just piled up on the side of the road. .

Awww crap!

Well, I have been doing daily walks/runs since September 2011. Recently, the inevitable happened: A bird defecated on me. I do not walk under perched birds for just this reason: as bird feces transmit disease. But this time, a bird in flight drew a radar lock and commenced to fire missiles from launch tube A and launch tube B. I was hit twice: on the back and on the chest. Yes, I completed the walk/run. Was not yet 1k into a 5k. .

How it all ties together

I believe that God made us all and everything we see and everything we do not see. I believe God created man in His image - with Mind, Will, and Emotions. I believe God imparted to us all free will - to accept or refuse Him. I believe it all ties together with free will - the choices we make. I believe that free will also means we are not free of the consequences of our actions. Indeed, we must have consequences for all actions to motivate us to action. I believe there is a right and a wrong. I believe the essence of determining what is right or wrong lies in the two greatest commandments : “Teacher, what is the greatest commandment in the Law?” He replied, “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: You must love your neighbor as you love yourself. All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands.”  I believe to violate either ...

Liberal innocence

Liberal innocence is a fallacy. Liberals, especially those in public office, know exactly what they are doing at every turn. Take, for example, this article wherein Obama's "preacher," Jeremiah Wright, was interviewed recently. Obama evidently offered Wright $150K to basically shut up back in 2008. I'd bet the media was in on it, too. .

Pitfalls of attachment parenting

If you've read this blog for any length of time, you know that I do not subscribe to the myth of attachment parenting. In fact, I denounce it as one of many manifestations with what's wrong with our country today. Marxism At the heart of the matter is the principle of self-sufficiency. It used to be that the goal of being a parent was to raise a human being capable of self-sufficiency. Attachment parenting takes that all away and, according to this author with whom I agree, replaces it with a goal of creating another co-dependent automaton for the socialist agenda. Understanding the basic idea, of course, that socialism is one of the economic platforms needed to promote Marxism, communism being the alternative. So I read that author's piece several times, and I challenged myself to prove or disprove Attachment Parenting (AP) as a Marxist agenda.  Boy, was it a light-bulb moment! Remember the mantra of Marxism is "from each according to his ability, to each acc...

Dissention in the ranks???

There is a column out (by a liberal author, no less) that suggests Biden be replaced as VP. Not only do I agree with that, but I'll take it a step further... let's replace his boss, too. .

Book review: Book of Mormon

I recently read the Book of Mormon . Link to differences in the Bible and the Book of Mormon . Some things The book says that do not match up with the Bible: - Jesus telling people they must be baptized to be saved. Not in the Bible. - Jesus telling the Nephites that they were the "other sheep" mentioned in John 16:10 . Common doctrine has these "other sheep" as being Gentiles in general. - Concept of God's elect being white, while those from iniquity are dark skinned. Some things that just struck me as a bit off: - Jesus appointing of disciples and His ministry was very brief, and not filled with the personal connections like in the New Testament. - Use of  King James English was not quite right. As if written by a rank amateur. - Certain phrases didn't jive: "stiff-necked" was used once in the Bible and was used over and over in the Book of Mormon. Other phrases, common to 16th - 19th century writing were used. Book of Mormon is s...

Heh heh heh. Yep.


Deal or no deal?


Come to this blog...


I am for Gay Marriage

Woah - wait a second, Usagi!!! You are a "Bible-thumper" Christian. You are uber -conservative (and thereby supposed to be "against" homosexuality?). What gives??? OK, now that I have your attention... Why am I fine with Gay Marriage? (And no, it has nothing to do with the fact that I have multiple friends who happen to be gay) Simple: Marriage as defined by the patchwork of what we call laws in this country is nothing more than a legal contract. "Marriage" today simply provides for one person to have rights to wealth and income of another, should the two decide they no longer wish to exist under the contract. Simply put, if two consenting adults want to enter into any kind of contractually-based financial obligation, why stop them? .
It is my observation that people get most angry in life with the truth.

Boobs, Power, and Time

Boobs - we all know what those are. Power - we all know who seeks it. Time - as in, Time Magazine. Yeah, Time Magazine has a boob on the front cover . Attached to said boob (which does look nice, as does its owner, BTW) is a child that looks about 4 or 5 years old - but the cover says is 3 years old. Speaking of attached, here comes the part about power - as in the power that attachment parenting bozos seek. Yeah - the Time article is about attachment parenting. Seems one blogger openly mocks attachment parenting. Get in line, buddy, I did so before you , haha! Seriously, though, the blogger draws some pretty good correlations between Marxism and attachment parenting, as well as socialism and attachment parenting. Thanks to my sister "K" for the article. Thanks to Say Uncle for the links. Post-edit: Thanks to Right Minded for a link to this article , which is a deconstruction of the photo. .

Twisted words

"I am your Father" Said by Darth Vader? Nope. Quoted from Malachi 1:6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Obamacare reduces the Federal budget deficit." Said by a Democratic Senator . True? Nope. Read here . Obamacare will be twice as expensive as originally "anticipated." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Abortion is a woman's right." Quoted frequently of the Pro - Choice Abortion crowd. Yet what other person in society has the right to murder another human being? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anybody over the age of , say, 12, has watched another person, maybe even himself , twist words to mean something that that they just do not mean. This could mean "projection" - accusing another of w...

Gun Review - Ruger 10/22

When I was a boy, my dad bought a brand new Ruger 10/22. My brother and I liked it. My brother liked the box magazines a bit better, so I got more time behind the Marlin 60. Maybe that fact has caused the persuasions I hold to this day, maybe not. Here is the rifle as it is today: Anyone "in the know" will immediately recognize the setup - a "LTR" ( Liberty Training Rifle ). It has tech sights , a muzzle flash hider (which is useless except for looks), and a USGI sling for carrying / looping up to shoot. As pictured, I have shot a 249 on an Appleseed "AQT" with this rifle.  Here's a close-up of the rear tech-sight, which gives the same sight picture as an M1, M14, or M16: Here's a close-up of the front tech sight and flash hider: To get the rifle to resemble an M14 a bit more, I added the flash hider. It came with "ears" which I had to grind down so the device would fit alongside the tech-sights. Not pictur...

It's all in how you say it

Liberals dislike being called on to the carpet for what they really believe. For example: they absolutely hate being called "Pro-abortion," instead of their misleading catch-phrase:  "Pro-Choice." Here are some observations I've made about what they really are, vs. what they like to be called: "Pro choice" instead of "I support murdering infants". "Redistribution of Wealth" instead of "steal from the productive citizens and give to the career leaches". "Hope and Change" instead of "destruction of personal freedoms."  "Gun control" instead of simply "control." .

This is why we can't vote (R)

Don't get me wrong, I've voted (R) the vast majority of times. And 100% of the time I've not voted (R), I've voted independent. Never have I cast a vote for somebody with a (D) beside his/her name. However, voting (R) just isn't enough! Take this article, for instance . Seems the state (R)s voted for big business time and time again. I have nothing against big business, and they need their fair share, too. But how about a vote for We the People from time to time... if for no other reason, to make it look like you are doing your job fairly?!?!?! Couple of noted exceptions: Senator Stacy Campfield; Senator Mae Beavers. Not many other exception. :( .

I bet you're naked under those clothes...

The trouble with hypocrites is that they can't avoid being hypocritical - even when they "don't want to be." So then, even their "serious" statements become something for the all-time annals of hilarity. Take for example: one particular modern day pharisee I know of. He made mention of Proverbs 26:4 - " Don’t answer fools according to their folly, or you will become like them yourself." Funny thing was, he was writing this as something of his dealings with a person. Oh, yeah, did I mention: this was his 13th over 20th consecutive blog post answering or otherwise commenting on that person. Even more sad: his target was not answering him at all - instead was making general points. A bit obsessed are we??? Oh, and as far as quoting Bible is concerned, let's look at Matthew 5:22 -  But I say to you that everyone who is angry with their brother or sister will be in danger of judgment. If they say to their brother or sister, ‘You ...

Can't see the forest for the trees

I am the first to admit, I'm pretty hard on some folks. Liberals, socialists, Calvinists, and others, specifically. One thing I've observed about all of these cult-like followings is this: they never see the folly of their leadership. Marxists, for example, see Karl Marx as a visionary. The other 99.9% of us see him as something notably less than that. Socialists, like Obama, might see someone like Saul Alinsky as a man of note. The other 99.9% of us see him as a joke. Calvinists might see someone like John MacArthur as a wonderful Christian. The other 99.9% of us see him as a man "trying to get his name in the papers," as it were. .

Facebook find:

From my buddy, "John," on Facebook: "Have you ever had people say that you are wrong and have no idea what you are talking about when in fact they are so misinformed that they are the ones wrong and you are the one that is correct. What sucks even more is that you can not convince them even with documentation and facts." .

Games 5/7/2012

We lost both games tonight to one of the teams that is consistently one of the best. 12-10 and 13-12 were the scores. I personally had a tougher night at the plate: 2-5, 1 run scored, 2 RBI. Stats: Batting Average: (19+2)/(28+5) = 21/33 = 0.636 Runs scored: 9 RBI: 11 Team: 7-3 .

Conservatives for Obama

No, really, this blogger details why he endorses Obama for a 2nd term over "Mittens" Romney. He makes some strong logical points. Actually, this is why I have no issue voting 3rd party in this election, because at the end, the only real difference in laws that Obama would pass vs. laws Romney would pass is whether the "Republicans" in Congress and the Senate would also vote for the measure at hand. Thanks to Say Uncle for the lead on this one. You should read Say Uncle's blog - very informative. .

Understanding Motivations 2

In the first post, we talked about motivations for bullies. This time, we are going to talk about motivations for people who do not suffer from psychological or personality disorders. These are general rules, and they can fluctuate a bit, based on circumstance or unforeseen motivations. Reward & Penalty Broadly speaking, one would reward behavior they want to see more of, or punish behavior they want to see less of. The main exception to this is "reverse psychology" - specifically, if a person's motivations are rooted in doing exactly the opposite of what they think you want. Then it is a simple game of telling them not to do what you really want them to do. Basic human motivations People will be motivated to action based on simple needs: Physiology: hunger, thirst, sleep, etc. Secondary physiology: Safety, Security, Shelter, Health Emotional: Belonging, Love, Friendship Intellectual: Self actualization Basic desires According to Dr. Steven Reiss , peo...

Predestination is Wrong, Part 1

First, we will disprove the concept of predestination using the scriptures that are most often quoted in vain attempts to prove predestination. To clarify, God most certainly predestinates events and certainly did predestine to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for the World, so that the World, through Him, might be saved. However, God most certainly does not predestinate whom shall be saved. The notion that God determines whom shall be saved is called " unconditional election ," and is a false doctrine. Those who would teach it are, by definition, false prophets . To teach false doctrine is, by definition, heresy . In this series, I shall disprove the notion of the predestination of whom shall be saved. ----- Predestination is false: First, let me start by quoting a non-predestination verse. Understand that I do not believe there is a single verse in the Bible that indicates specific men (or women) are predestined for Heaven.But, here is a verse that sums it all...

This is funny

Don't get me wrong, I'm not voting for Ron Paul unless he miraculously wins the Republican nomination, but this picture is still finny.

Run away!

One of the most hilarious moments in cinematography is in Monty Python and the Holy Grail . A group of knights is attacked by a killer rabbit. After realizing they cannot win, they shout "run away!" Clip of the hilarity here . Well, "run away" is exactly what Silie does. Often. Silie's parents moved to North Carolina some time during Silie's childhood. She was living there when my brother was introduced to her online (yes, I know - and so does he, now!). Silie has a bad habit of running away to North Carolina when things do not go her way. A few years back, when my nephew was just a year old, she went for a visit to North Carolina on April 2. Her plan was to be back home within a week or two.Her parents were to take her out there, and bring her back. Two weeks stretched to three... then four... then five. Then, her Tennessee Driver's License expired on her 35th birthday on May 10. Yes - that's right - she stayed over five weeks! Oh, but...

Gluttony, anyone?

So I was recently made curious about the nutrition facts on simple cookies. Particularly, how bad is it to eat an entire package of cookies in a single setting? For this fact-finding mission, I used published information on Oreo cookies ... because that's what was eaten. Let's do some math: Calories: 160 per serving. Per the publication, there are 15 servings in a package; so a total of 2400 calories. That's 120% of recommended Daily Value (DV), based on a 2000-calorie diet. Total fat: 7g; 11% of DV. For 15 servings; that's 105g or 165% of DV. Saturated fat: 2g; 10% of DV For 15 servings, that's 30g, or 150% of DV Sugars: 14g; (there is no DV% published, as a diabetic, I try to stay under 40g per day, so this would be 35%). For 15 servings, that's 210g; over 5 days' worth of sugar for me. Summary: Folks, don't eat large quantities of junk like this. I did in younger days, and I have no doubt it was a major contributing factor to my cu...

She's not the only one with a poor diet

OK, so by now you are getting the point that my Sister-In-Law (SIL), or "Silie," has some issues with diet. Well, she seems hell-bent on passing those on to her son (my nephew). In court, my brother's attorney asked what my nephew eats. Silie's response? "Muffins." Then a momentary pause (15 seconds or so). Then she realizes that this is in court and might not look so good if all she feeds her kid is muffins. "...And fruit! And strawberries, blueberries, bananas, eggs, pizza... ummm... all the stuff a normal, somewhat picky little four-year-old might eat." Just the look of horror when she realized she had just testified that all she fed him was muffins. Sad part: my brother had informed me that all she fed him was muffins, crackers, and potato chips.    :( .

Good Law passed

Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam signed into law a bill that requires LEOs to arrest persons involved in serious accidents who do not have a valid drivers license and/or proof of insurance. This is a good law to have in effect. Tennessee has required financial responsibility for a long time, but the enforcement of this requirement has been lax to say the least. .

Funny Guns

A reader sent me a link to this site: " Six Ridiculous Guns from the Past ." Funny stuff. .

Bite the hand...

Seems Bob Pope (who puts on gun shows here in the Middle TN area) does not like the so-called "parking lot bill" that failed to make it through legislative session this time. He also dislikes the TFA (and yes, I am a member of the TFA). Thanks to Say Uncle for the heads-up on this one.  PS - if you haven't checked out Say Uncle's blog , I highly recommend it. It is on my daily reading list.  .

Star Wars Day


Drug Tests for Welfare

This session, the Tennessee legislature had its ups and downs. One really positive bit of legislation is a recent bill passed that mandates welfare recipients to pass drug tests in order to receive benefits. State Senator Stacey Campfield talks about this bill , and other wins we had in the legislative session this year. Here's a link to Campfield's blog (and yes, I link it on the sidebar, too). Really informative. .