What to do, what to do...

Rick Santorum suspended his campaign for President on Tuesday, April 10. He cited his daughter's health as a primary concern, and few could fault him for that. I wish him and his family well, and will pray for his daughter's recovery.

On the political front, we are left with three candidates for the Republican nomination. Romney, the socialist. Paul, the odd. Gingrich, the roller-coaster.

Understand this, unless Gingrich rises from ashes like the proverbial phoenix, this nomination is essentially over. Ron Paul will not be able to do it - and I'm not sure I'd want him to, given the antics of his supporters.

That said, it looks strongly like Romney will get the nod on the Republican side. This is a sad day, indeed, as Romney is no different ideologically, from President Obama.

So I am looking for a 3rd party candidate. I will take suggestions from you, kind readers. There is no way I can, in good conscience, vote for Romney given his stance on big government, universal health care, abortion (he was for it before he was against it), gun control (he is still for it), and most other issues.



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