Review - Star Trek: Voyager

So I recently completed viewing of the series Star Trek: Voyager. I have always enjoyed the Star Trek movies and TV shows, and this one was no different.

I'm not going to go into great detail on the plots or acting. It was a Star Trek series.

I do agree with some critics that pointed out the 6th season felt like they were looking for filler material. Some episodes in the 7th and final season felt that way, too - at first. But overall it was entertaining.

Favorite moment: when the Emergency Command Hologram started kicking tail. Janeway was always hesitant to use weapons, and that put them in several dangerous predicaments, but the ECH was more decisive.

Least favorite moment: When the crew crosses the transwarp barrier, but then they give up on research on it per a Captain's log. WEAK SAUCE. 

Favorite character: the man in me says Seven of Nine. The reviewer in me says Neelix. My personality liked Tuvok. But overall, it had to be Harry Kim - I feel I was once just like that. Wish he'd been promoted to Lieutenant sometime during the run.

Least favorite character: Chakotay. Poor guy was used in diametrically opposed situations relentlessly. One moment, he's an expert warrior, the next, a Klingon takes him out with a single blow. One time, he is the most compassionate individual when meeting a new species, and the next, he's a xenophobe. The schizophrenic nature of Chakotay's character was annoying at times. That said, Robert Beltran did a great job of portrayal with the material he was given.



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