Sunday, April 1, 2012

The insanity

Been sitting on this story for a few years. It is difficult to tell, but all of it is now public record, as it was testified to in court several days prior to me writing this.

My brother had just won a job, working in Nashville, and his wife still lived in Chattanooga. She was a consultant for the Pampered Chef. She did not want to move to Nashville, as she had a base of clients and fellow consultants for Pampered Chef in Chattanooga. I think she also thought my brother's job would not last long here.

So my brother stayed at my house a couple of nights a week, and then drove home on weekends and days off.

This went on longer than my brother had initially wanted. And the days apart from his overbearing wife were getting to him - for the better and the worse. I am not condoning what happened next, but everyone close to the situation has said they understood. My brother started seeing another woman.

One day, my sister in law, in a surprise visit, came to my house. I should have known nothing good was coming from the fact that a) she never came to visit him - always made him go visit her, and b) she brought a friend with her (2.5 hour drive each way). In the room my brother was staying, she found his computer. On his computer were pictures of him with the other woman. They were clothed, and there were no suggestive activities, but the intent of the pictures was clear.

My SIL and her friend started going through all of my brother's things. Clothes, personal effects, etc. They put all of his things in garbage bags. Then, it happened.

The friend suggested they burn my brother's things - right in the middle of my house!

I demanded that they would absolutely do nothing of the sort, nor would I let them take anything from my house - it is my house after all!

I can understand the emotion of it all. But arson? Destruction of property? Burning his things? Burning my house?!?!?!?


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