New accomplishment

So, a while back, I shot a 250 on an Appleseed AQT. From 31 yards.
AQT rules suggest the target be placed at 25 meters (about 27 yards and change).

No, this wasn't at an official Appleseed event. Probably will not go to another one.

But, still nice to do so. And bonus points to do so with a real "battle rifle" and not a .22.
I shot the score with my M16A4 clone. Of course, the rifle has a few mods beyond M16A4 clone specifications, but the only one that would be of consequence is the NRA highpower match legal RRA trigger. It is a crisp 4.5-5 lb trigger. That and perhaps the match grade heavy barrel.

Since a 250 indicates that I scored a perfect 50 on stages 1-3, and a 100 on stage 4, I'll save the rest of the breakdown. Just suffice it to say that my prone and sitting shots were right on top of each other. The standing shots were all in or touching the v-ring.

In fact, only two shots on the whole COF were not on the V-ring, both were in the "head" area that still scores 5 points, and both were in stage 4, and both were called and shot on purpose. With that 4x ACOG, I can place shots right where I want them.

Funny, I thought it would have felt different. Oh well. On to the next challenge...



  1. Thank you, my friend. And thank you for reading.

    To my readers - you should really check out Rifleslinger's blog. Very neat stuff.

  2. I've been reading for a while, but I've got to tell you, the stuff you've been doing recently has been exceptionally good. Specifically the ones that are probably pissing everyone else off. That is probably happening because you're hitting it right on the mark.


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