
Showing posts from March, 2012

Funny stuff here

It has come to my attention that " Hide My Ass " only works when the ass to be hidden is somewhat smaller than a midsize sedan. Just in case you were wondering. Or, in case you weren't. Even if you don't care. .

Just learned of this

Tatsuo Suzuki, Wado-Ryu practitioner extraordinaire, passed away last year at the age of 83. I hold a black belt in Wado, and it is from tapes of Suzuki that I learned many of the kata of the system. RIP .

Pops outdoes even himself

So today we celebrated the fourth birthday of my nephew - who happens to be the son of "Silie." What did Pops get him for his birthday? Bath toys. With a note: "Mommy, please give me a bath." Oh, yeah, Silie does not bathe my nephew often. Once or twice a month at most. 

Regional AAU Qualifier Wrapup

Today, my son and a number of his teammates from Spirit Martial Arts competed in forms and sparring in the Regional AAU Qualifier. Taekwondo is, of course, an Olympic sport, and has well organized tournaments and systems to qualify athletes - all the way up to the Olympic games. Here's a summary: Cael: My son competed in his second tournament of the year. Overall this is his 5th tournament. He currently holds a blue belt in Taekwondo. His forms division held 9 players. He won the first two rounds with unanimous decisions (three judges award victory to either the "blue" competitor, or the "red" one). He lost the third round via a 2-1 decision, but came back and won his final round. This was good for a Bronze Medal. He was 3-1 in the head-to-head forms format. Sparring was his game today. He was in the "heavyweight" division for age 6-7, intermediate belts (green, blue and purple belts). My son is not fat, but is rather strong, which puts him up ag...

Let's see where this goes

Pike County, IL has passed a law allowing concealed carry by the subjects citizens. The measure was not voted on by elected officials, but by the people of the county. Oddly enough (or not), voter turnout was one of the largest in county history, and the measure passed by a vote margin of 3214 to 550. From those numbers, I don't know which is more shocking: that the margin was so overwhelming, or that 15% of the voters in Pike County are against our 2nd Amendment rights.  Now, let's see if the State of IL allows this to stand. If so, lets see if they get more and more carry permits, and eventually join the other 49 states in allowing citizen permitted carry.

Wish it was just this simple

Pops: "When is a door not a door?" Me: "I don't know. When?" Pops: "When it's ajar." (say it out loud if you don't get it) .

First in a long line

My soon-to-be former sister in law (SIL - henceforth known as Silie) is an odd individual. Since I have many stories from the archives on her, and since she decided to provide motivation by filing for divorce from my brother, here we go! --- Junior (Silie's son) is young - about 2 years old at the time. As most 2-year-old boys are, he is active. He is in to everything. That's OK, and certainly not the odd part of this particular instance. No, where it gets odd is in what Silie calls "parenting style." Silie claims to adhere to the notion of " attachment parenting ." That is odd enough by itself, but to each his own, I suppose. No, Silie takes it to an extreme. Silie takes the notion of " positive discipline " to such an extreme so as not to allow others to correct Junior at all, regardless of circumstance. This is hazardous, particularly with such a lazy-assed individual as Silie. Junior had climbed up on top of our kitchen table. Silie...

The Snake

Pops really liked this one. At a drive-through, when asked to pay, Pops offered the cash in hand. Also in his hand was a 3' long rubber snake - the cash was between the coils. The snake looked real. Cashiers screamed. (Yes, he did it several times) One actually liked it, and took it to frighten coworkers. A few jumped back when they screamed. .

College basketball 2012

Exciting games so far in the tournament this year. Of course, several conference champions were shown much disrespect when they were assigned 16 seeds. This has been happening for a while, and needs to stop. Nevertheless, we have already had a pair of #15 seeds knock off #2 seeds. I look forward to catching up on more action this weekend.  .

Some people need to be punched

My brother was ordered by the judge to vacate his home - which he still has to pay the mortgage on until the Divorce is final. He has until the following Monday. His soon to be ex mother-in-law actually had the nerve to ask this in a condescending voice: MIL: Do you need some boxes to pack your things with?

Can't make up his mind

Another gem from my recent day spent watching chancery court, waiting on my brother's divorce hearing. ----- Defendant's attorney: "Your Honor, I was only recently hired by my client. I would like to motion to have a stay so that I may familiarize myself with the facts of the case so far. " Plaintiff's attorney: "Your Honor, the defendant, who is not present today, has hired no fewer than three attorneys during the course of this case - Counsel Jones* here being the most recent. I move that the stay not be granted, as pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated, it is the defendant's responsibility to provide for his counsel the documents and facts from the case." Defendant's attorney: "Your honor, I would like to ask for only 8 weeks to familiarize myself with the facts. Nothing more." Plaintiff's attorney: "And in response, I'd like to point out that the case set to hear in 10 days is about the defendant not paying a d...

He really likes doing this

Setting: Early one Saturday morning, a few months after this had happened . Pops knows of a crew that reports to him working that morning on a downed power line. We drive to the location of the crew. As we approach, I see the supervisor munching on an apple. The crewmen are getting set up to make the repairs. Pops yanks on the parking brake handle: SCCCRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECCCCHHHHH!!!!!! Apple goes flying. Men take off running in a hundred different directions. Pops and I are laughing so hard it hurts! The supervisor had a few choice words for Pops. Most notably because now he had no breakfast - his apple was covered in dirt! .

More Say What???

From the same conversation as my previous blog post. I am watching divorce proceedings in the court the same day as my brother would appear. ----- Note: Plaintiff had testified ad nauseum under direct examination from her attorney that her husband had been unfaithful. However, it came to be that the plaintiff had actually been the first to be unfaithful. The basis of the plaintiff's whole decision to get divorced seemed to hinge on her husband's infidelity. Defendant's Counsel: "Plaintiff [female], did you have relations with Mary* in 2005?" Plaintiff: "No. We made out, but we did not have sex." Counsel: "Do you feel making out with another person is demonstrating faithfulness in the marriage?" Plaintiff: "I don't... could you repeat the question?" Counsel: "Do you feel that making out with a person other than your spouse is being faithful in your marriage?" Plaintiff: "I'm not sure I understand ...

Today is Pi day

I like Pi. ~3.14 I like Pie. I like Pie. No, I did not repeat myself. Those are two different types of "pie." .

Say what???

So I was in court for moral support of my brother during his divorce hearings recently. Boy, will I have a lot of material from a half-day in court. Here is one gem. We were in chancery court. Half or more of the cases were divorce related. At one point, this conversation was had between the plaintiff (female), and the defendant's attorney: ----- Counsel: "And, Mrs. Plaintiff, who is the doctor that has advised you to continue breast-feeding your son until the age of four?" Plaintiff: "That would be Doctor Smith*. He's my chiropractor." Counsel: "Chiropractor??? You asked a chiropractor for lactation advice?" Plaintiff: "Yes." Counsel: "What did your son's pediatrician say about breast-feeding for so long?" Plaintiff: (looks confused) "Nothing. We don't have a pediatrician. We don't believe in them." ----- *Chiropractor's name not really "Dr. Smith" - changed name to protec...

Observations in Court

So I spent a recent day in court. My brother is going through the "Big D" and I don't mean Dallas. Prior to his case, I got to see some interesting things. This one brought a tear to my eye. Facts of the case: - Little boy, Cameron*, age 5 - Cameron's mother died last year. - Cameron's biological father has never had anything to do with him. - Cameron's maternal grandparents were petitioning the court to adopt little Cameron. - Cameron's paternal grandfather simply wanted visitation rights, and it was 100% civil. - Judge was very wise. He granted the motions. * Name changed.

Always a joker

This is a Pops-ism. Not so much what he said as what he did. Setting: I am about 14 years old. It is supper time, and Pops tells me we need to go get my brother, who is at a friend's house. We hop in the car and head that way. Sure enough, as we approach, we see my brother and friend, riding bicycles, back to the friend's house. They are riding the same direction as we are, so they do not see us coming. Big mistake. Pops yanks on the parking brake handle: SCCCRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECCCCHHHHH!!!!!! My brother and friend both bail off the bikes, into a nearby ditch - eyes wide as saucers. If I recall correctly, my brother elected to ride his bike home as opposed to riding in the car. .

Today - 3/12/2012

Today: I watched a liar lie. I watched a man come out of his shell and fly. And I watched a marriage die. Here's to one of the wisest men I know, and watching him grow up even more before my very eyes, and do things I never thought he'd do. And to the new stage in his life. Divorce is expensive because it's worth every last dime. .

More on Pepsi and abortions

I blogged about Pepsi and their link to a company that uses parts of aborted human babies. Because of this business partnership, I do not drink nor endorse Pepsi products. Well, now it seems the SEC has ruled that there is nothing wrong with this practice. Even worse. .

Check out this article

Not Christian Scientist. But this article is still pretty good. .

What it takes to get a gun

I get this question a lot from friends, family, and even neighbors. "What does it take to get a gun?" Well, that depends on where you are. In Washington, DC, it takes quite a bit. Emily, here, documented her trials and tribulations in legally purchasing a firearm in the nation's Capital. And here is a video of her finally getting to shoot it . Here in my home state of Tennessee, it is quite a bit simpler. To purchase a gun from a licensed dealer, the process is simple: - Select your gun. - Fill out form 4473. - Background check (performed by the dealer. Usually costs $10 in advance). - Give the dealer money for the gun when (if?) you pass the background check. - Take your new gun home. There is no registration in TN. There is no permit required for the purchase of a firearm. But what is a permit for? Simple - a Tennessee Handgun Carry Permit allows the holder to carry a loaded handgun on his person in public. This includes transporting a loaded gun in the...

On Rush and a Slut

>> Usagi looks at himself approvingly, having finally figured a good, legitimate way to work the word "slut" in the title! <<  Recently, THE radio talk show host of all time, Rush Limbaugh, caused a national stir when he called a slut a slut. Seriously, the person of interest, Sandra Fluke, looked so very out of place when she demanded that the government (or somebody ) pay for her birth control. Rush called her on that. People, when I need more ammo to shoot, I do not get on national TV and demand the government pay for it. I work, earn money, and use that money to buy more ammo. So, naturally, the media clamored to attack Rush. Some imprudent advertisers withdrew their ads on Rush's radio show (big mistake), and in the end, Rush apologized for using words that could be seen as a personal attack on Fluke herself. Funny things, though: - Rush still has the #1 show on radio. - Rush will have other advertisers. Probably has them lining up to advertise...

He just can't help himself

Pops has a return visit to the doctor for a regular health checkup. (Remember, Pops has his right leg amputated below the knee). Nurse: "And how tall are you, sir?" Pops: "Which side?" .

A moment of silence

For my friend, and former head of the Baptist Student Union, Jim Moore, has passed away . Jim was a great guy and a mentor to many. >

American Holy War

I am calling for an American version of a Holy War. This on people in HR, headhunters, recruiters, and the like. Of all of the folks I've ever met in these fields, only two have been people who actually do their job. There is a saying that people who are in HR are so because they can't do anything else. Folks who are taking an HR job for a time just to make ends meet excluded, this is most certainly what I've observed. Henceforth, I will use this blog to decry the ridiculous actions these people are guilty of, the insane things they ask of We the People, and generally wage an all-out war on the "political correctness" that they promulgate. I welcome stories from my readers - I will post them minus key names, so that libel is not a factor. I welcome input on these stories. Most of all, I wanna hear the truth - it will be far stranger than fiction! !

Some people refuse to get it

So a few years ago, my brother is interviewing for a job. Recruiter: "Your resume says you live in Hendersonville. We are in Cool Springs. That's a long drive. Brother: "About 35 minutes' drive. I drive it every morning. I currently work across the street from where we are." ----- 2 minutes later ----- Recruiter: "It's really bothering me that you live in Hendersonville. That's such a long drive!" I know you think you can do it, but it can get old quick!" Brother: "It really is not a problem. I've driven it for three years now. I work right over there in Building C - in the same place where this very building is 'A'." ----- 5 minutes later ----- Recruiter: "I'm just going to wrap this up. I'm afraid we are just too far away form your home for this to work. I thank you for your time, though..." Brother: << walks over to window, pulls curtain aside, points at building >...

Driving Mrs. Daisy

Pops was driving an elderly neighbor lady home from the hospital. She has issues with dementia. Lady: "Who is driving this car?" Pops: "You are, Mrs. Jones!" Lady: "Well I'd better be careful, I haven't driven in thirty years!" .

Recent Training

I've been reading Art of the Rifle blog lately. Lots of good stuff if you haven't checked it out. One thing Rifleslinger from that blog talks about is his affinity for slings. I must say, I have a bit of an odd relationship with slings. I enjoy using them for basic marksmanship. I have competed with one in place. I have thousands of hours of training in with one on. I own over a dozen, mostly USGI style, but also a couple of plain slings and even a leather 1907 style. But ask Appleseed folks with whom I communicate online, and they'd tell you I hate slings. No real substance behind this claim - I just see the sling as a tool. A tool with limited use. Now, to be fair, Rifleslinger on his blog has detailed his own search for more uses of the sling, and that is to be commended. However, my personal training has taken a different course. A good time ago, I learned from several sources that the most easily adopted stable prone position with an AR15 rifle is one where the ...

The ultimate Pops-ism

Pops is recuperating in a hospital bed after having his right leg amputated below the knee. Nurse: "And how tall are you, sir?" Pops: "6'3" on the left side. Don't know on the right side yet." .

New accomplishment

So, a while back, I shot a 250 on an Appleseed AQT. From 31 yards. AQT rules suggest the target be placed at 25 meters (about 27 yards and change). No, this wasn't at an official Appleseed event. Probably will not go to another one. But, still nice to do so. And bonus points to do so with a real "battle rifle" and not a .22. I shot the score with my M16A4 clone. Of course, the rifle has a few mods beyond M16A4 clone specifications, but the only one that would be of consequence is the NRA highpower match legal RRA trigger. It is a crisp 4.5-5 lb trigger. That and perhaps the match grade heavy barrel. Since a 250 indicates that I scored a perfect 50 on stages 1-3, and a 100 on stage 4, I'll save the rest of the breakdown. Just suffice it to say that my prone and sitting shots were right on top of each other. The standing shots were all in or touching the v-ring. In fact, only two shots on the whole COF were not on the V-ring, both were in the "head" ...

It's all in the wording...

Someone calls Pops: Pops (picks up the phone and answers): "Telephone!" Caller stumbles around aimlessly for a moment or two... .

Laugh it off

This guy has a really unique way to play pranks on cops. Pretty funny! .

Couldn't Help Myself

A few weeks ago, I voted early , as prescribed and permitted by state law.  When we went, we were given stickers that read "I voted early." Of course, the polls were decorated with signage advising that Tennessee requires ID to vote. That made me think: I wonder if Democrats who vote multiple times in a day as part of election fraud get a sticker that reads: "I voted often." >

Defeating Westboro Baptist

No doubt, the idiots at Westboro Baptist Church are out for attention and nothing more. They don't believe the crap they spew, they simply do it to get on TV. A small town in Mississippi figured out how to prevent them from disrupting the funeral of a local military man. What did the town do? From the article: - Folks at a gas station engaged them in a fistfight. When police got there, nobody seemed to know who had beaten the WBC folks. - Locals figured out the hotel that WBC was using, then parked their cars and trucks behind every vehicle with a Kansas license plate. - Police were delayed in responding to WBC's attempts to get them to come to the hotel to move the cars. - Local towing companies were also experiencing larger than normal volume issues - they were similarly delayed for several hours. - Police detained the WBC folks for questioning into a crime that had been committed. Turns out that the WBC folks were innocent, but when the questioning was done, so was...

The Most Discriminatory Practices

Recently, I observed a liberal woman who was quite offended that men in Washington were the ones in charge of "telling her what she could do with her body." She claimed it was offensive to her, as there was no way they could understand her. I turn this one around - it is quite offensive that she thinks any other person incapable of making an informed decision simply because that person may not share her gender. --- It is not uncommon to hear the faulty term "reverse racism." The term is faulty, as there is no such thing, there is simply racism, or the absence thereof. Of course, "reverse racism" is used when a minority (a black person, for example) says or does racist things towards a non-minority (a white person, for example). Fact is, that in this example, a black person who says or does racist things towards a white person is practicing racism. There is nothing "reverse" about it. --- There are others, but these are examples o...

Repeating themselves

Have you ever met a person that will ask you the same question repeatedly... to the point of the question becoming annoying? Especially when they either don't listen to the answer, or just don't seem to hear you, or maybe they just can't process it? I have been married nearly 14 years to a woman who used to do just that. Almost everyone in her family does the same. Both of our children do the same. This is a subject near and dear to my heart. What it is NOT: Sometimes, the behavior borders on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). in fact, my wife's family used to refer to her dad as "obsessing" when he would ask things 15 straight times. Young children do this. In fact, nearly all young children will ask the same question over and over . It is a way they learn. This is not what I am talking about. Also, the elderly may also develop this trend. If so, please have them screened for Alzheimer's . It is a known symptom of the debilitating disease of t...

Hmmm. I wouldnt put it that way.

Maine Senator Olympia Snowe will not seek reelection. This article calls it a "blow to the GOP." Not sure it's a blow to the GOP as Snowe consistently voted with the Democrats. More like a relief to the GOP.

The nature of Apology

I recently came across an article that spoke volumes on the subject of apology. Link to it here . On a personal level: This was a very interesting read. You see, some time back, I was "confronted" by an individual who took offense to something I'd written on this very blog. As always, I'd left out his name and key identifying details so that only the two of us would know what I was referring to. Now, I fully understand that by writing this, that the individual to whom I am referring will think this whole article is an attack on him. That is the way his narcissistic mind works. However, nothing could be further from the truth.This is an article on when to apologize... and when not to! The catch: See, I'd said nothing but the truth, and we all know that sometimes the truth hurts. I was not going to apologize for that. From the article: "How does an apology make it right? It certainly doesn't undo the wrongdoing; it doesn't make it disappe...

Take the Challenge

I started the 100 pushup challenge in January. On Monday, Feb. 27, I completed the challenge - executing 100 pushups consecutively. After, I proceeded to do sets of 40, 25, 25 and 50. When I started in January, I could only do 21 straight. In this time, my arms went from 13" in diameter to 15" and my chest from 48" to 50". I went from 238 pounds to 222 pounds - completely losing my Christmas weight. Of course, I also walk a lot - nearly 20 miles per week.