Male interaction

So a recent blog post was written that had the effect of pissing off some females, so let's do the same with the guys. Lets talk about pecking order.

Most people are familiar with the concept of the Alpha Male, and consequently, the Beta Male. This is where things get fuzzy. Some authors assign the term "Gamma Male" to those males that otherwise exhibit lower social skills than even Beta males - what is on this chart a "Beta with beta tendencies."

As you can see, the x-axis (East-West) is increasing or decreasing levels of Self Confidence. The y-axis (North-South) is increasing and decreasing need to prove things.I was inspired from past training to categorize these by obvious traits.

ALPHA - Alpha with Beta tendencies - α(β)
Pros: Generally a well-liked person. Good confidence. Able and willing to do things.
Cons: Flair without substance.

BETA - Beta with Alpha tendencies - β(α)
Pros: Capable. The need to prove himself provides motivation.
Cons: Plays second-fiddle so much that he will snip at the Alpha. Undercuts and challenges Alpha.

TOTAL BETA (GAMMA) - Beta with Beta tendencies - β(β)
Pros: A good friend to all. No need to prove anything leads to reduced competition.
Cons: Low self esteem. Often plays the doormat. Can be a social outcast.

TOTAL ALPHA - Alpha with Alpha tendencies - α(α)
Pros: Where the Alpha (with Beta tendencies) talks, the Total Alpha does. Inner confidence is superb.
Cons: Quiet exterior leads others to mis-presume them to be a Beta. Conflict with the Total Alpha won't end well for the other male.

α(β)  vs.  β(α)
Alpha vs. Beta: The most common conflict. The Beta snips at the Alpha and undercuts him. The Alpha puts the Beta in his place and comes out on top the vast majority of the time.

α(β)  vs.  β(β)
Alpha vs. Total Beta (Gamma): This one doesn't happen often. Gammas would never confront the Alpha, and the Alpha would never pick on the Gamma as beating him wouldn't increase standings among peers. When it does happen, the Alpha wins in convincing manner.

α(β)  vs.  α(α)
Total Alpha vs. Alpha: This is the one conflict that the Alpha doesn't want. The Total Alpha is smarter, more decisive, and a better fighter. Alphas will pretend after that this was a fight "between two tigers - where one is killed and the other seriously injured." Reality is not so kind to the Alpha. The Total Alpha never wants to fight, but when he does, he fights decisively, and ends the Alpha quickly and overwhelmingly.

β(α)  vs.  β(β)
Beta vs. Gamma: This is the conflict the Beta wants. Often happens when the Beta is in a group of Betas and wants to appear the Alpha to impress the womenfolk.

α(α)  vs.  β(β)
Total Alpha vs. Total Beta (Gamma): This conflict happens when a Gamma mis-perceives the Total Alpha - thinks he's another Gamma, a weaker Gamma. Much like the Beta wanting to appear the Alpha in a room full of Betas, the Gamma will do the same occasionally with an Total Alpha. If it comes down to conflict, the Total Alpha wins hands-down. However, from time to time, the Total alpha perceives what is going on and "yields" to the Gamma for other reasons.

α(α)  vs.  β(α)
Total Alpha vs. Beta: This conflict, like Alpha-Gamma, rarely happens. The opposite ends of the spectrum rarely collide. Betas need a group for attack, and Gammas do not need a group. In the rare instances there is conflict, it resembles the Alpha-Total Alpha conflict, and favors the Total Alpha by a wide margin. Often, people on the outside will mistake this for an Alpha-Beta conflict.

In Sales
Having had a long, successful career in sales, I have been privy to numerous sales training. Among the more notable:
- Sales Excellence (Tom Vishia and Associates)
- Integrity Selling by Ron Willingham

In Integrity Selling, the student is made aware of four broad personality styles - The Talker, Doer, Supporter, and Controller. Interestingly enough, the four male types fit these perfectly.

Doer = α(β)
Talker = β(α)
Controller = α(α)
Supporter = β(β)



  1. The chart and following accounts of Gammas (other other types of men) on this page are incorrect.

    The chart should look like the following:

    Or like this:

    Since the chart is incorrect, all of the relationship assessments thereafter are thusly incorrect as well.

  2. You are using different definitions of the terms. Every assessment made herein is 100% accurate within its definition.

    The problem you run into is differing nomenclature. Even your own charts differ significantly.

    Thanks for reading.

  3. Usagi it looks like the commenter above was using wolf hierarchy.

    Also, maybe he didn't READ the part about people at the beginning. Funny how some people go to a text (word) based forum, then don't read. lol


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