Presidential Politics - Sept. 2011

Recently, a reader asked me to talk about Presidential candidates and their pros and cons. I wrote a bit on it, and gave broad thoughts. Now, I'd like to take some time and elaborate on my favorite choice, Herman Cain, and explain why he is my favorite.

My political choices generally center on a candidate's views on three simple topics:

Mr. Cain states that he believes life begins at conception, and should be protected from that point on. Video of Mr. Cain addressing the NRA and stating as much. 

2nd Amendment
Mr. Cain, though he does not own many guns, is a gun owner and supports the 2nd Amendment. Video of Mr. Cain speaking about gun rights. 

Mr. Cain supports a flat tax - the most fair tax structure we could hope for. He suggests a type of flat tax - his "999" plan. The plan suggests:
9% flat income tax for all income levels.
9% corporate tax for all revenue levels.
9% national sales tax.


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