A feel good story

Today, my sister and her husband passed their handgun carry class. Both scored 100% on the shooting portion, and both scored well on the written portion.

My brother-in-law's groups on the shooting portion were tight. Most of his shots were in the 10-ring and X-ring... with a couple straying into the 9-ring. To my knowledge, the last time he shot a gun was a rifle with me back in the winter / early spring. I taught him proper sight picture and trigger control, and his 50-yard rifle groups went from as large as the paper, to a discernible improvement of about 3" groups. He still has that target hanging on his fridge.

My sister had a couple of shots stray into the 8-ring. All of the others were tightly grouped in the 9-ring and 10-ring, with plenty of X-ring hits, as well. From reports, she and the bro-in-law had the best targets of the day.

The instructor realized early on that my sister - the only female in the class of 8 people - was easy-going, and didn't mind being singled out in a fun way. He also complimented her shooting today.

Similarly, three years ago, my wife had very good groups - and received a similar compliment from her instructor (a completely different place and person) - he told my wife "looks like you've done this before," and walked on. That little comment meant more to her than any other compliment she's ever been given.

Also, I've noticed times with my sister and my wife at the range when men nearby get upset because these two ladies can out-shoot them.

Neither thinks herself a "good shot." That's the funny part.


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