Goal Setting

People in sales know all about goal-setting, and its importance.

Recently, I stumbles across this thread, in which I posted a response to the question: "What's on your 2010 wish list?" The thread was from January, 2010.

My response:
"In order of my personal preference... But I guarantee I won't get them in this order:

1. M1 Garand Rifle
2. 20" barrel / upper for my AR15.
3. Attain that Rifleman patch officially.
4. Get my 10/22 to where it will actually shoot.
5. Republicans gain control or pull even in either the House or the Senate.

If it has to be only one... I am stuck between #1 and #2... leaning toward #2."

Let's see how I dd on those goals:
1. M1 Garand Rifle - got this in September of 2010.
2. 20" barrel for the AR - got this in December of 2010. Had it put on in January of 2011.
3. Attain that Rifleman patch officially - did this in May, on the first AQT of the day.
4. Get my 0/22 to where it will actually shoot - did this in April.
5. Republicans gain control or pull even in the House or Senate - I didn't do this, of course, but it still happened.


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