Science discovery

Scientists recently discovered a Galaxy that is estimated to be over 13 Billion Light Years away.

Guess that blows the lid off the "theory" that the universe is 4-5 billion years old (which is what"science" has been claiming since I was in Elementary school). Now, the wishers that there would be no God will have to fabricate a new number.

Link to a timeline of how that number has changed. 

How do I come to this conclusion?
The speed of light (often denoted as "c" in scientific arenas) is a constant - about 182,282 miles per second. It never changes in a vacuum. It slows down a bit in air, water, and other mediums. But in space, where there is no air or water to slow it down, the speed remains unchanged.

If you know a speed, and that speed is constant (182,282 miles per second), and if you know the distance (light-years - or the distance traveled by light in a year), then you can calculate the time.

(Speed of light)  / (Distance light has traveled) = Time it took to travel that distance.

At 13.7 Billion light years in distance, it would take the light 13.7 billion years to reach our eye. We could not see this Galaxy if the light from it had not reached us. Since we can see it, by definition, we know that light from this Galaxy has reached us.

If the Milky Way (our galaxy), and UDFy-38135539 (this Galaxy) came to be at the same time, and started moving away form each other at the same speed, this would represent the very youngest the Universe could be - 6.85 Billion years old.

How can the Universe now be 6.85 Billion years old when only 20 years ago, it was 4-5 Billion years old. In that time, I've only aged 20 years. The Universe couldn't have aged 2 Billion years or more!


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