Quality Triangle

I am a long-time believer in the "Quality Triangle" which is often also referred to as the "Project Triangle."

Simply put, there are three attributes one can ascribe to on a project:
1. Quality
2. Speed
3. Cost

You may pick and control any two - but the third will be compromised.


For example, if a person wants to build a quality AR15 in a short amount of time, price will be the compromise (it will be more costly than normal). If one wants a quality AR15 at a reduced price, time will be sacrificed.

Another common place to see this dynamic is in the hiring world. A company can hire a quality individual at a low price, but time will be sacrificed.

Alternately, many companies hold price as a constant, and waiver back and forth between quality and time. Once exasperated by the time, they compromise the quality. This often appears as the dynamic of companies hiring the last decent applicant they interview - and is one reason I always suggest that candidates try to schedule interviews later, rather than sooner.


I have observed this fact in most facets of life - hiring, work, food, you name it.

Some will argue that all three aspects can be controlled. I would point out that in finite circumstances, that is true. But ultimately, a compromise is made

I plan to refer back to this concept in the future. I welcome comments.


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