The problem with Liberals

Liberals say they only want to increase taxes on the rich.

However, there are two problems with that course of thought:
1. The rich will pass the expense along to the consumer (you & me), effectively raising the taxes on the poor & middle class.
2. The liberals think you and I are rich!

Obama has been hesitant to extend the "Bush tax cuts." He has been reluctant to want to allow all of the tax cuts to be extended. He has not pushed Congress to extend them. Congress has, due to liberal leadership, passed the buck until "later."

Of course, Liberals touted these tax cuts as "tax cuts for the rich!" When the fact of the matter is that when these tax cuts expire, the median American family will pay $1500 more per year in taxes.

I used the calculator provided at the link and the estimate was $2000 in additional taxes for me. I don't know about you, but I don't have an extra $125-$200 per month to just give away with no return.


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