How the other side plays:

I have long held to the notion that the Democrats try to win by all means. When caught, they lie, deny, and make counter accusations.

It has also been suggested they cheat. But when they get caught, the media never focuses on that like they do the Republicans.

How many of my readers knew about the recent (2 years ago) voter fraud in Memphis?
There's a whole web site dedicated to that issue.

Recently, Florida Gubernatorial Democratic candidate cheated in a debate. The violation of the rules is not punishable by law - because the rules were developed by and agreed upon by the candidates themselves!

So, the bad guys have no moral or ethical standards to adhere to, but will hold the Republicans to much higher standards at all times?
Not fair.
I say they should all live up to the highest of standards.


  1. Here's the way I've come to understand it:

    Democrats, for the most part, have no scruples. They will lie, cheat, and engage in any sort of debauchery in order to win. To them, the ends justifies the means.

    The media and Democrat politicians generally ignore scandalous behavior by their own. But they will point out any whiff of scandal when it comes to GOP politicians and candidates.

    They know we conservatives generally have higher moral values, and they feign outrage at Republican scandals because they believe we will hold our own guys accountable and not vote for them if they engage in naughty behavior.

    This is why I have come to the point, as a voter, that I ignore political scandals. I expect scandals from Democrats, but I'll still vote for a conservative, regardless of any scandals he/she might be guilty of. The reasoning is, the future of the nation is at stake, and a scandal-tainted conservative is still preferable to any Democrat.

    I play to win. Hardball. Period.


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