Gubernatorial Update

Yesterday, I emailed several independent Gubernatorial candidates with some questions. My objective is to find a suitable candidate to vote for, and to recommend my readers vote for.

Well, the first response is in, from candidate Brandon Dodds, and I will post it here in its entirety:

(edited to add questions so as to improve readability)

Thank you so much for your interest in doing the research and voting for the candidate that best represents your values. If we all were as diligent I don't think Mayor Haslam would have secured the GOP nomination. Before I gladly answer your questions, I would recommend that you watch the debate that the Tennessee Tea Party put on in Gatlinburg a few months ago. It features Kirkpatrick/Wamp/Haslam/Ramsey and the three leading Independents(in my opinion): myself/Binkley/Duck. You can find a link on my facebook page (Brandon Dodds for Governor of Tennessee). It is both informative and entertaining (you mentioned you were a Kirpatrick supporter and he definitely put on a show).

1. You mention your support for the 2nd Amendment. Do you own a gun? If so, what is your favorite gun? Why?
I believe one of the most fundamental rights we have as humans is the ability to defend our families and our homes. I am a handgun permit holder and own many guns. My favorite would have to be a twenty gauge Winchester pump action shotgun that my father bought me when I was young. I was too small at the time to hunt with a twelve gauge, but the twenty gauge was just right. Growing up on a farm, I logged a lot of miles carrying that weapon with my dad and brother. It still serves as a great home defense weapon when loaded with buckshot. I hope someday soon to pass it down to my boys as they learn to shoot.

2. Describe your plans for a potential state income tax. Also, the state sales tax.
I am 100% opposed to a state income tax. As governor, I will do everything in my power to prevent it's imposition upon Tennesseans. I am in favor of a state constitutional amendment making it illegal so we won't have to worry about it in the future. I would also like to lower our
sales tax, but first we have to turn the economy around. I plan to do that by using plain old capitalism. The biggest impediment to business in Tennessee and America now is our tax codes. They are designed to crush business and drive it overseas. When entrepeneurs hire an employee they are immediately saddled with payroll, social security, workman's comp and unemployment taxes. I will streamline, reduce, and eliminate taxes to make our state a magnet for high paying jobs. When that happens everyone wins: industry and small businesses make more money because they pay less in taxes, citizens make more money because they have good jobs, and the
state also wins because it makes it's money on sales taxes and win people are making money they buy things. It's a domino effect that will make us an economic juggernaut and model that other states can follow to prove that socialism is not the answer.

3. There seem to be a couple of constitutionally sound independents on the ticket. Why vote for you?
We are fortunate to have several good candidates running as Independents that can serve as a viable alternative to liberal to moderate candidates that the Republican and Democratic parties are fielding. I believe I am the most qualified candidate in the field for the governor's race. I am an eye doctor so I know exactly how to fix our healthcare problems. I am a small business owner so I know exactly how to create an environment where our economy can thrive. I also have a degree in history and understand the U.S. Constitution. I am a staunch supporter of the 10th Amendment(any power not given to the federal government belongs to the state government or the people) and I believe that it is the answer to digging ourselves out of the current hole we are in. It means that healthcare, education, and abortion are completely and solely under the jurisdiction of the state and that the federal government has no right to intervene in those areas. I also have a plan to fix our school system and will put in place a world class educational system. It is embarrasing that Tennessee ranks 42nd out of 50 staes in education. Our teachers and students deserve better. I will remove the federal government from our classroom and take out the NCLB nightmare. In its place we will develop a model where every child is taught to their fullest potential. Our students of today are going to be our future. I want these kids to invent things, cure diseases, start businesses and be leaders. They can't do that with a curriculum that madates they be mediocre. I will absolutely not let our 2nd Amendment rights be infringed upon. As a strong pro-life candidate I will allow Tennesseans to vote on the issue and if they so choose we will implement laws that protect the right to life of our unborn. Because we have been sold out on the illegal immigration issue by both parties and our federal government, I will address it at the state level. I have three young sons and I feel that is absolutely imperative that we stand up now and make the changes necessary to put our state back on the right track. I am tired of voting for the lesser of two evils and believe that conservatives can stand together make a difference this November.

Thanks again for your efforts to make an informed choice and to help others to do the same with your blogs. If you have any further questions please feel free to send them my way.


Mr. Dodd, I am sick of voting for the lesser of two evils, too. Thank you for the response!


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