The racist roots of gun control, part II

Some time ago, I wrote on the racist roots of gun control. Gun control in America has two distinct root sources. The first was from the British, prior to our hard-fought independence. The second distinct root of gun control mimics the modern fabrications in "logic" and this effort in our country came from white democrats in the 1800's trying to disarm black people in an attempt to keep black people in a lower class - not full citizens.

Some interesting facts pop up, that you will not read in the media today:

The recent case of McDonald as ruled on by the Supreme Court. McDonald himself is a black man from Chicago.

In the McDonald case, Justice Thomas gives a good history lesson. Thanks to Right-Minded for picking up the story from Rush Limbaugh. Oh, yeah... I forgot to mention - Justice Thomas is black.

I always hear the liberals spout lies such as they are "for the minorities" and that sort of garbage. But is that true? I say no, it is not true. In every instance, the Democrats and the liberals have not put their money where their mouth is.

In other words, it would seem liberals want to further oppress minorities by denying them the right to protect themselves. Don't think so?
Why did the four liberal justices in McDonald vote to prevent a black man from being able to keep a gun for personal protection?

Oh - that's right - they really don't care about race.
They want us ALL to be slaves, regardless of race!
I must be a silly USAGI, for thinking the liberals only wanted to enslave minorities.

Folks, for the record, in the last month I have loaned my guns to other shooters of all sorts of races whom I've met at the range. I know this goes against the garbage the liberals feed us on TV - a conservative white guy that is not racist, and proves it with actions.
The funny thing is, I didn't even think of these people as hispanic, asian, or black. I thought of them as people. Their race only came to mind when I sat down to write this post and realized all the lies that the liberals tell us daily.
Oh, and before I get the hate-mail... some of those shooters were female, too.
And horror of horrors - some of them were kids! (with parent's permission, of course)


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