Open carry in California

Another article on open carry in California.

I hope they (Californians) get their laws changed to "shall-issue" and get their freedoms back.

Favorite quote from the article:
"Get your gun out of my Easter."
- Attributed to a protester I will not name.

Funny. I carried my GLOCK all day today - Easter.
Did that make me less of a Christian? I don't think so.
Did it take away my Salvation? No.
Did I get the sudden urge to shoot people up? Nope.

I'll leave you with this quote from Scripture:
Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword."
- Matthew 10:34
PS - they used swords back then. We use guns now. But we still don't know whether Jesus advocated concealed carry or open-carry.


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