A shocking admission...

I must admit... sometimes, even the Brady Campaign against guns is right.

'Holy cow!' you say! Has Usagi lost his mind?

No. Not at all. Not yet, anyways.

You see, one of the "tenets" of the Brady Campaign against guns is that if you have a gun in the house, you are more likely to have the gun taken from you and used against you. Now, we all know this is complete rubbish. If it were the case, we would read about it in the paper every day. The liberal media couldn't let those stories slip through.

However, I have found a story of the exact opposite thing happening. A would-be robber pointed a gun at his intended victim. The victim fought back and wrestled the gun away from the bad guy. The victim then shot at the hapless criminal, wounding him.

Link to story.

So technically, the Brady Campaign tenet is correct. In this case, the gun was taken away from the intended user and actually used against him.


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