How do you feel about this one?

This case is a situation of self defense from FL. A person on a bike called for a driver to slow down. The driver of the truck got out and started fighting with the bicyclist, forcing him to the ground, getting on top of him, and starting to punch him.

The bicyclist was a concealed-carry permit holder. He drew and shot the aggressor in the face with his .40 caliber GLOCK (much like what I carry). The aggressor died at the scene.

A judge threw out the DA's charge of manslaughter, citing that this was clearly a situation of self defense.

Oh, yeah, the passenger in the truck testified before the judge against his dead friend - stating that his friend was clearly the aggressor and likely would have seriously harmed or killed the bicyclist.

As an unarmed combat instructor, I could teach almost anybody how to escape the position this bicyclist was in, with or without the use of a firearm. Which defense one uses is up to them.


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