Why do I carry?

A number of people have asked me why I carry. Here a few reasons, in no particular order:

1. Self defense.
I have a black belt in 3 martial arts. I am 6'3" and about 275 pounds. There are few people in this world that I cannot handle 1 on 1. Most are professional fighters. However, throw into the mix the fact that I have a wife and two kids. Add to it that most predatory criminals travel in packs and bring weapons. Now we see that all that training is compromised when there are multiple armed opponents.
Enter my self defense tool - a GLOCK model 22 - and those "advantages" a bad guy (or guys) may have are reduced significantly.

2. Police.
Police have no direct duty to defend you (Supreme Court, 2005 - Castle Rock vs. Gonzalez). They are there to clean up after the fact and gather information for some detective work. Even when they do decide to defend you, they are mere minutes away. As an experienced martial arts instructor, I know that most altercations are over in under 45 seconds. Even less when weapons are involved.

3. It is my right.
A right not exercised is a right lost.

4. It is my duty.
I do not style myself as some "Dirty Harry" wannabe, as many on the liberal side of the fence so often like to portray HCP holders. No, it is not that kind of duty. It is the duty that I feel compelled to protect those that need protection. I will not ever one day look back and say to myself "I wish I had been better prepared."

5. It is the right thing to do.
An armed society is a polite society. I have never been more alive, awake, and aware as when I carry. I am polite to all. I am much more aware of my surroundings.


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