Excuse me???

>>> Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Senator Feinstein Opposes Concealed Weapons Amendment

-Amendment would force California to recognize concealed carry permits issued in other states-

Washington, D.C. –U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today voiced strong opposition to an amendment to the defense authorization bill which would undermine California’s rigorous state standards that regulate who may carry a concealed weapon.

The Concealed Carry Permitting Amendment (#1618), offered by Senator John Thune (R-S.D.), would effectively allow the concealed carry laws of one state to nullify the restrictions on gun possession in other states. It would force California to recognize concealed carry permits issued elsewhere.

“I believe this amendment is reckless,” Senator Feinstein said. “I believe it is irresponsible. I believe it will lead to more weapons and more violence on the streets of our nation. And, of course, if successful, it is another step in a march to remove all common-sense gun regulations all over this land.”

“Concealed weapons laws that work in rural states may not be suitable in urban areas. What’s good for Iowa or Alaska may not be good for California or New York,” Senator Feinstein added.

Senator Feinstein joined Senators Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), Jack Reed (D-R.I.), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine in a news conference to voice their opposition to Senator Thune’s amendment.

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger also wrote a letter to Senator Feinstein, urging her to vote no on the amendment. (See attachment)

“This is a simple question of protecting California’s ability to determine who is allowed to carry a concealed weapon within our borders,” Gov. Schwarzenegger wrote. “I have consistently supported states’ rights to determine their own fates on a variety of issues. This amendment would trample the rights I have worked hard to protect."

And Gov. Schwarzenegger is no conservative, calling for her to vote against this measure!

These liberals are afraid of people being able to protect themselves. It goes directly against their liberal ideology for people to provide for themselves as opposed to reliance on the government for every part of their life.

They need to understand that they are not advocating positions that are capitalistic and that promote liberty. They are promoting positions that enslave people. But hey, maybe they do know that. Perhaps their goal is to enslave in a manner of speaking?

The only thing every American is "entitled" to per the US Constitution is "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Anything else exceeds the government's mandate in the Constitution.


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