It's Science
Never before in my life have I had an elected representative who matched my personal beliefs so closely. Joseph Padilla , Wilson County School Board member for Zone 4 (the zone in which I live) is just that man. He so frequently triggers the #LibNuts that they constantly whine online, make false allegations , and generally have meltdowns at his very existence. Well, if #LibNuts do anything, that's pretty much what they do. Speaking of false allegations, Padilla suggested a policy to the school board recently that would make sure a student's parent(s) be notified if the student discloses to school officials that they are or feel they may be transgender. Of course, the Left® suggests this proposal was "out" the LGBTQ students. This clear falsehood was to be expected. The reality is much more bleak - not for Padilla, but for the students he works so hard to protect. The Science Transgenderism is clearly associated with substantial increases in mental illness,...