Already There
There is good news for Kristen here: 1. Background checks are already the law. Now, there are no background checks mandated on a private transaction face-to-face. That would be unenforceable. Also, no background check must be passed prior to a thief stealing a gun. That, too, would be impossible to enforce. And the majority of "gun-crimes" are committed by persons who illegally obtained (i.e. - STOLE) the gun. 2. Women already have full reproductive rights. Presuming a woman is capable of having a child, no law in the US prevents her from having one. Presuming a woman does not want to have a child, she has many methods of birth control from which to choose, including abstinence. Now, because the SCOTUS decision in Dobbs v Jackson, each state controls whether and to what extent abortion - the killing of an unborn child - is legal. Of course, abortion is not a reproductive right, nor is it health care . 3. We already have a ban on state-mandated religion (It's the ...