Friday, February 18, 2022

Was It Rigged?

This past weekend was a big football game. There are a number of folks who point out it is a time of human trafficking. For years, this author has also pointed out that it is the most rigged sporting event to watch.

For those that confuse the two terms, fixing and rigging are similar, but are not the same. Fixing means making certain of a certain outcome. Pro Wrestling is fixed as the winners of the matches are pre-determined. Major sports championships are rigged, which means efforts are made to favor one over the other. 

Make no mistake, all major sporting championships are affected by rigging. In the Atlanta Braves recent World Series win, independent Umpire Auditors showed that of the Braves 16 postseason games, 13 were called in favor of Braves opponents, one was called fair, and two were in favor of the Braves. Also, over 70% of missed calls went in favor of the Braves' opponents. If this doesn't spell rigging to you, then the following phrase applies:
"I can only explain it to you, I cannot understand it for you."
"You can lead a horse to water..."

Back to the large football game. It was noted in a comment that the game was rigged. Others decided to post opinions that the NFL does not rig games, and that one had to have a low IQ to believe that they do.  So here is offered proof to the claim:

The NFL admits in court that it is "sports entertainment" (akin to pro wrestling), and not "competition."

Recently,  NFL coaches admit they were paid to throw games. 

How many more times must you see smoke and yet still believe there is no fire?

As the meme at the beginning says, it is not this author's way to argue with idiots on the internet. 

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