
Showing posts from November, 2019

Marriage Material

From Roosh V:   7 Things I Require In The Future Mother Of My Child . Here are the 7 things - 1. She must be between 18-25 years old.  2. She must have fewer than 3 prior sexual partners, but a virgin is preferred. 3. Her physical attractiveness should be about a 7. 4. Her skin tone should be within 2 shades of myself. 5. She must be feminine. 6. She must want to be a traditional stay-at-home mother. 7. She must believe in God.  I would say that any man who wants a wife, would do well to require these 7 Things of his prospective spouse. If a woman does not meet all of these requirements, then do not marry her, and do not have children with her. Marriage is too risky for men these days - there is virtually no advantage for a man to get married.  But women who hear this often prickles at the idea of men not getting married. Maybe because it upsets their "apple cart" of a free ride through life? So, women, this article is for you! If a woman wants to consider...


A new reader writes - Rifleman, you say you are familiar with Tom Leykis. What is your favorite thing he says? Least favorite? Good question. My favorite thing Tom Leykis says is when he would speak with female callers who were stricken with what I call Disney Princess Syndrome. These girls could not fathom that someone would say it is not necessary to get married.  My least favorite is that he advocates for abortion.  


Since the mainstream media won't tell you, there is a big civil war going on in Hong Kong. The citizens are rising up against the Communist regime. This meme depicts the reality of the situation.  This is why we must never turn the guns in. 

Well, That's One Way To Do It

In San Antonio, a woman refused to return her rental car, and eventually sold it for meth . I'm sure there's a heckuva repo story behind this one. 

Boomer Advice

The hashtag, #BoomerAdvice was recently trending on Twitter.  Here are some of the more accurate tweets I saw - “You can’t just apply for jobs online.  You have to get out there! Drop off resumes, call then every day! Go pound the pavement.” if you show you’re willing to work harder, they will show that they are willing to pay you more. Go to college, get a good job, be  loyal to the company, they’ll be loyal to you 😒 You’ll see things differently once you have children None of these bits of advice work any more.