Marriage Material
From Roosh V: 7 Things I Require In The Future Mother Of My Child . Here are the 7 things - 1. She must be between 18-25 years old. 2. She must have fewer than 3 prior sexual partners, but a virgin is preferred. 3. Her physical attractiveness should be about a 7. 4. Her skin tone should be within 2 shades of myself. 5. She must be feminine. 6. She must want to be a traditional stay-at-home mother. 7. She must believe in God. I would say that any man who wants a wife, would do well to require these 7 Things of his prospective spouse. If a woman does not meet all of these requirements, then do not marry her, and do not have children with her. Marriage is too risky for men these days - there is virtually no advantage for a man to get married. But women who hear this often prickles at the idea of men not getting married. Maybe because it upsets their "apple cart" of a free ride through life? So, women, this article is for you! If a woman wants to consider...