Essential Rifle Drills

Limited range space?
Wondering what drills you see online will help you truly get better?
Getting confused by it all?

Let's save you some time, my friend. Below are posted two scored drills. If you can score 90% or better on these scored drills, then you are well on your way to proficiency with a rifle.

Fundamental Marksmanship

Using two Army 300m zero targets, placed 25m away, prepare two magazines with five rounds each.
2 mags - 5 rounds.
You have 90 seconds to fire 5 shots at each of the 300m zero targets.

Scoring: 5 points for a hit inside the circle. 4 points for a hit in the black, but not inside the circle.  No points for misses.  A shot touching two or more scoring areas receives the higher score. 

Expert is 90% = 45 points. 
Ultimate goal is 50 points and in under 30 seconds. 

The Trident

Using an 8 inch target (a paper plate works well), from 18 yards, prepare three magazines with five rounds each. 
3 mags x 5 rounds

Course of fire: in 30 seconds, fire 5 rounds standing. Transition to kneeling  (or sitting) and change mags. Fire 5 rounds kneeling. Transition to prone and change mags. Fire 5 rounds prone.
5 rounds standing. Mag change.
5 rounds kneeling / sitting. Mag change.
5 rounds prone.

Scoring: You start with 50 points. Miss - deduct 5 points. Over time - deduct 1 point per second over time.

Expert is 45+ points. 
Ultimate goal is 15 hits in under 30 seconds. 

You should get to a point where you can score 100% on both. If a person can ace both of these drills, then there is no doubt of their handiness with a rifle.  


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