Basic And Advanced

 Some good quotes at this link. Among them,

“When people start talking about advanced techniques my eyes cross. There are no advanced techniques. There are fundamentals honed to perfection through conscious effort. Then there is the application of those fundamentals against ever increasing challenges.


The mechanics remain the same. We become advanced.

Sugar Ray Leonard’s jab wasn’t magically different. His ability to hit anyone he faced at a world class level with his jab was the difference between basic and advanced.

During his seminar JJ Machado taught us all the same guard recovery technique. A guard recovery technique I had been taught my first month of jiujitsu. His ability to apply that technique against the best grapplers in the world is the difference between basic and advanced.

The point is; there is no secret sauce aka advanced techniques. There is advanced application and there is only one way to get there. High level coaching, and practice.


There are four basic aspects to using a gun in the anti-personnel role:
1. You need to be able to hit what you need to hit, in order to elicit the desired response, as many times as you need to hit it, in order to elicit that response.
2. You need to be able to get the gun into the fight soon enough to make a difference.
3. You need to avoid shooting anyone or anything that is not doing anything that warrants shooting.
4. You need to be composed enough to make good, appropriately correct decisions, in order to achieve 1,2, and 3.

There are no secret squirrel techniques to running a gun.


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