
Showing posts from August, 2016

Gun Range Legends

A Rifleman knows that reconnaissance is 99 parts observation and 1 part shooting . Now, that 1 part shooting had better be honed to a fine edge. But the Rifleman is confident in the shooting part and hopes and prays not to have to use it. The Rifleman is teaching others to be Riflemen. The discussion and training is geared toward intermediate ranges: 100 - 500 yards, give or take. A student raises the question of .308 vs. .223. Student: "Wouldn't a .308 have more knock-down power?" Rifleman: "What exactly is knock-down power? How do you define it?" Student: "Energy of the round." Rifleman: "Kinetic energy is one half of mass times velocity squared. Is this what you mean?" Student: nods to the affirmative . Rifleman: "Well then, if a round impacted a target and stopped dead in the target, then a point could be made. But bullets rarely stop cold in a target - they often pass through. That means the puncturing action is actually ...

Dealing With An Unreasonable Mother

Living at home through college can be trying enough. Throw in a mother with severe psychological and emotional problems, and it can be harrowing. Be red pill in responses, and the results can be hilarious. Mom: "Would you hook up my new TV to the cable?" Son: "Sure. Want me to do it now?" Mom: "No, not now. The TV is still in my car and I need to go." Son: "Are you sure? It will only take me a minute. Plus, I leave in an hour to go camping with some buddies. I won't be back until tomorrow afternoon." Mom: "Can't you do it this evening when I get back?" At this point, he could have already taken the TV out of her car and been hooking it up, but that's what she was saying "no" to. Son: "Like I said, I'll be camping. The campsite is over an hour away." Mom: "When do you leave?" Son: "In about an hour." Mom: "If I get it back to you before you go, will you hook it up?...

No Smack Down

This gem was posted by a liberal acquaintance from high school. Of course, the liberal thought it was showing up the climate change denier. And while it is true that astrophysics is a science, it is also a completely unrelated science to that of climate change. From   Merriam-Webster - a branch of astronomy dealing especially with the behavior, physical properties, and dynamic processes of celestial objects and phenomena. Completely unrelated to Earth's climate. So while the climate change advocate here has a scientific degree, it is irrelevant to the subject at hand. Liberals know it. Or, maybe some really are too dimwitted to realize it. So, if you want a good scientific opinion on climate change, one might look to a meteorologist. After all , here's the definition of meteorology - a science that deals with the atmosphere and with weather . Or, maybe even the opinion of a climatologist would work. But an astrophysicist' opinion on the topic would be just as irrelev...

Marksmanship Clinic Wrap Up

This year, I've taught three marksmanship clinics to fellow Patriots who wished to learn to shoot better. Here are some facts and observations on them. Facts 80 total Patriots trained. 36 qualified as Expert Riflemen (90%+ score). 30 qualified as Sharpshooter or Marksman. 4 out of 5 who did not qualify had serious malfunctions. 5 women who did not even get their shots on paper at the beginning of class wound up scoring Expert Rifleman. 5 women who did not get their shots on paper at the beginning wound up scoring Sharpshooter or Marksman. 1 man who did not get his shots on paper at the beginning wound up scoring Sharpshooter. 18 total ladies trained. 9 scored Expert Rifleman. (2 with perfect scores) 7 scored Sharpshooter or Marksman. 2 did not qualify, but both showed tremendous improvement. 2 young Patriots trained. 1 scored Sharpshooter and one did not qualify, but showed tremendous improvement. * As a technicality, 2 Patriots were young men, age 17. They have b...

Out Of The Mouth Of Trump

If you are one of the few who say - "Trump just needs to settle down and control what he says." Then you clearly do not understand what is going on in politics. Let me explain it for you: Trump got to where he is by opening his mouth. That's what gets him ahead. That's what will bury Hillary in this election. Trump says what the people feel. Posted via Blogaway

Dear Netflix, Blame Hollywood

Dear Netflix, It's not you. It's not me. Recently, I cancelled my DVD / Blu-ray delivery service with Netflix. I still purchase their streaming content. And for the time, I'll be content with that, as will my family. The reason was not cost cutting, although saving $10 a month will be nice (ish). The real reason behind the move is much more practical. I just don't like most of what Hollywood is putting out these days. The few-and-far-between entertaining movies wind up being purchased. Failing that, I can rent them from Red Box. 95% of the new releases I have little more than casual interest in. So I can either wait to see them when they make it to streaming, or just do without. In this instance, Netflix has been done in by its own industry. Not ironically, the majority of the things that we stream are older shows and movies. Back when it was quality entertainment. Posted via Blogaway

Combatant Definitions

Definitions are important. Based on a recent conversation, it is prudent to review these definitions. In a situation of armed conflict between opposing factions, the following distinctions can be made: Military n the armed forces of a country Mercenary n a professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army Militia n a military force that is raised from the civil population Just about any group of armed combatants could be classified as one of these three.  Do any of these definitions differ from what you thought they were?

Olympic Judo Thoughts

This Olympics, I have been watching several of the Judo matches. There has been some good Judo without a doubt. One observation is on groundwork - newaza . Not every Judo match in the Olympics has featured groundwork. Most Judo players do not opt for groundwork, as the vast majority of scores in Judo are earned via throws. This is because the current rules of Judo favor the throwing game. However, in every instance that I saw groundwork used, a score resulted. Many times, it was a deciding score or an outright winning score. On several occasions, a lower ranked player used groundwork to unseat a higher ranked player. In one instance, a reigning Olympic gold medal winner was defeated via arm lock - juji gatame . In another case, the 6th ranked player was defeated via pinfall - yokoshiho gatame. 3 time Olympian Travis Stevens used a groundwork combo to reach the gold medal round for the first time in his career. He used a juji gatame to okurieri jime finish.  BJJ stylists call...

A Guide For My Daughter

Whether it's fair or not, women in the west are judged largely based on their looks. A woman cannot add to her looks with a charming personality. A woman can take away from her looks with a negative personality. A woman who wishes to win the marriage game would be well advised to follow these principles: 1. Stay slim & fit. Don't be fat. This is the primary principle. Fat is not fit. No amount of personality will make up for the fact that your weight begins with a "2" (or 3!). Eat less. Eat good, real food (not processed or starchy). Work out a couple of times a week. Move around a lot daily. Avoid: drugs, alcohol, veganism, vegetarianism. 2. Be pleasant to be around. Don't be bitchy or crazy. Feminine is good, bossy is not. Polite is good, sass is not. Manners are good, bitchy is not. Quietly confident is good, brash cockiness is not. Compliments are good, complaining is not. Smile is good, scowl is not. Chaste is good, slutty is not. Conser...

On The Homefront

Going to make this official here. During a routine mammogram this year, my wife was diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ . DCIS. Breast cancer. The cancer was caught early. Stage 0 - precancerous growth. We have been to second opinions and consultations and plastic surgeons at this point. The current plan is lumpectomy with a lift for cosmetic purposes. Her prognosis is very good as the DCIS was caught early.

You Had One Job...

Evolution designed you to carry on the species. Your entire body is built around reproduction and rearing of young. It is the greatest single accomplishment of which you are capable. Yet, you revel in the destruction of your own spawn. Your ilk not only try to make the destruction of your offspring "acceptable," they actually take to the idea of making such behavior worthy of their praise. You only had one job...

Media Lies

Humor abounds. Conservative friends who haven't solidified themselves are the butt of today's jokes. Unfortunately,  the joke is on them. I'm talking about the people who post memes on social media about how the media lies and cannot be trusted. Then, the turn around and share a story about the media bashing Trump. One of the recent ones is "Trump puts his foot in his mouth..." Listen - if you say or post anything about Trump "putting his foot in his mouth" and also post things about the media being untruthful, you're just plain dumb. You deceive yourself. Here's a hint - the media lies. CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, FOX. All of them. EVERYTHING THEY PUBLISH IS A LIE! And you either believe that, or you must believe everything they publish is true. Can't have this one both ways. Here's another hint - Trump doesn't put his foot in his mouth. Trump isn't racist. Trump hasn't declared bankruptcy on every business he's eve...

Fight Reactions

A 9th grade boy punches your little sister, who is also in 9th grade. You are a Senior in High School. How do you respond? Alpha "I'm going to whip his ass." Crowd follows Al pha . Alpha approaches subject and confronts him loudly. A scuffle ensues and the A lpha quickly overwhelms his opponent. Just as the A lpha prepares to deliver the coup de grace , the Betas and Deltas step in and break things up. Beta "I'm going to go show him a thing or two about hitting women. Who's with me?!?" Beta rounds up a few friends - Betas and Deltas - and things generally play out the same as they did with the Alpha above. Delta Delta rounds up some friends, and confronts the offender. Delta demands an apology and it is begrudgingly given. Offender is more afraid of the Betas and the Alpha (if he came) than the Delta . The fear of the group who supports one of its own is also on display. Sometimes, the offender may offend again, just to see i...

District 57

Last week, the August primaries in Tennessee were held. Among the results locally, Susan Lynn won the Republican nomination for reelection to her State Representative seat. Trisha Farmer won the Democrat nomination for same. Both women ran unopposed. Nearly 80% of the primary votes were in the Republican primary. This is in line with past County and District 57 results - usually well over 70% of votes cast in the area go to the Republican candidate. It is anticipated to be no different this fall. However, a little commentary on this. Susan Lynn has generally distanced herself from the Haslam gang of late. This is a good thing. Farmer, on the other hand, is a Bernie Sanders type socialist. She supports outright gun bans (though her website touts the liberal lie of "common sense gun control"). In short, Farmer simply does not represent the wishes of the majority of this district. Now, I could go into much greater detail about Farmer, as I've unfortunately had to deal di...

More Liberals Lie

Trump: "Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment. If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don't know." Dan Rather (or should it be Dan Blather?) had a response: No trying-to-be objective and fair journalist, no citizen who cares about the country and its future can ignore what Donald Trump said today. When he suggested that "The Second Amendment People" can stop Hillary Clinton he crossed a line with dangerous potential. By any objective analysis, this is a new low and unprecedented in the history of American presidential politics.  This is no longer about policy, civility, decency or even temperament. This is a direct threat of violence against a political rival.   It is not just against the norms of American politics, it raises a serious question of whether it is against the law.  If any other citizen had said this about a Presidential candidate, would the S...

The Real Libertarian

Saw this on Facebook the other day. It's a good reference guide. That said, let's analyze these categories and see who the real Libertarian is in this presidential race. For the sake of simplicity and to avoid repetitiveness, Hillary Clinton is not included in the results discussions below - as she is the furthest thing from Libertarian that a person can be. 1. Marijuana On the surface, it would seem Johnson is more (L) than Trump, but you must take into account one key detail. Johnson says to legalize and tax marijuana. Since a tax is the ultimate form of governmental regulation, this is not a (L) stance. Result: tie 2. Gay marriage Since marriage is not addressed in the Constitution, it is within the power of the individual states to decide. I, personally, think there should be no regulation at any level of government - but modern marriage is a financial contract. States have the authority to decide rules for financial contracts. Result: Trump 3. Abortion Irrelevant s...

Never Hillary

Why should you not trust Hillary Clinton?  Because lives are at stake. Any questions?

Libtards Getting Married

From social media - When you're trying to create wedding invitations but you're keeping your last name and the world is still dominated by patriarchy so none of the pre-made options allow you to put the bride's last name... #DownWithThePatriarchy It would seem this young, ignorant lass is causing all her own problems by trying to go so hard against the grain. If she were able to stop and think for a moment, she might realize the grain exists for a reason: like her protection and the betterment of society, not to mention the ease of doing it that way. I would ask her - why get married at all if you really want to be free of the patriarchy? Marriage came about due to the patriarchy and is one of the last remaining institutions of the patriarchy. I would ask you, my readers, what sort of man is she marrying? There's more than enough hint here in this post. Posted via Blogaway

Keep Trollin Trollin Trollin

Do your liberal friends troll your conservative posts on social media? Seems to be what they do. Liberals know they are in the wrong. They read the truth, they know it's the truth, they just then lash out with rebellion and use false statements to try to troll you so that you feel as bad as they do when they read your posts. This political season, I've decided on a course of action. I shall not intentionally seek out liberal lie posts. But, as such posts come across my feeds, I shall troll them in an epic, yet simplistic way. Using the concept of the Three Laws of SJW , I shall give simple responses of one of the following: "Law 1" "Law 2" "Law 3" No other explanation shall be provided. No other argument. No other statements at all. Since liberals often fancy themselves as Social Justice Warriors, it is easy to presume everything they say falls under one of the three laws. And in practice, you do not have to dig deep to figure out which law ...

DNC Three Laws

In last week's DNC, the theme song was Fight Song. Interesting choice. Here are the key lyrics of the chorus: This is my fight song Take back my life song Prove I'm alright song Given the fact that the Democrat party is the home of the majority of full-fledged Social Justice Warriors (SJWs), let's examine if these lyrics apply. Specifically, do these lyrics, when applied to Democrats, follow the Three Laws of SJW? Reminder: the Three Laws of SJWs - 1. SJWs always lie. 2. SJWs always double down. 3. SJWs always project. When subjected to evaluation, these lyrics do demonstrate the Democrats' attempt to lie, double down, and project. And, interestingly enough, the three lyric lines are the three laws in reverse order. Prove I'm alright song - Law 1 (lie) Dems know they aren't alright. That's why they have to tell you they are alright. It's a lie. Sleaze-Marketing 101 - take your biggest weakness, lie about it, and tout it as a strength. Take...

Liberal Levels

Libtards. Enough said, right? Well, I'm a compassionate guy, and I also understand making mistakes in life. We've all made mistakes. So I came up with a little chart to tell you what I think of you when I find out you are liberal.  Under 21 If you are under 21 and liberal, I understand. I did stupid stuff, too, when I was a kid. Yes, I'm being patronizing to you. Adults were patronizing to me, too, when I was young and inexperienced. I'm just sitting here, hoping and praying you grow out of it. There's hope, to be sure... you don't still piss in your pants, so I know you are capable of growing more. 21 - 29 If you are in your 20's and liberal, I'm going to look at you cockeyed. You should be starting to figure this life thing out by now. Even if you haven't got it all together (I didn't), you should be headed in the right direction, at least. You know better than to travel East from New York to get to Los Angeles, so you need to know better...

Election Prediction

The RNC and DNC are wrapped up. Now comes the campaigning and debates. And the prognostication. That's what this is. A way-too-early prediction of how things will pan out, in my opinion, of course. The way I see it, there are three main factors that will determine this election: community organization, voter passion, and the ever-important scandals and missteps. Community Organizing Obama was a community organizer by trade. It's no surprise that his campaign was masterful in getting key voters to the polls in key precincts. Hillary has no such ability, and the Obama campaign is not likely to lend much help. This is not good for Hillary. It would not be a surprise to me if most (or even all) of the "swing states" wind up going to Trump: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Florida, etc. Voter Passion Liberals are not passionate about Hillary. They were passionate about Bernie. They were passionate about Obama. But this is their Romney. Nobody likes her. The solid blue ba...