
Showing posts from July, 2016

Hillary Candidacy

There are some serious questions surrounding Hillary Clinton's candidacy. Yes, she was nominated last night for the Democrat ticket. But there's too much baggage, I think. Character questions, ability questions, leadership questions, and even health questions. If you can "explain away" all of these, then you are either stupid or on an agenda. And that agenda would not be the betterment of the USA. Benghazi Seriously, she left those men to die. We have the emails that prove it. We have the FBI director saying she lied about those emails. Rape As an attorney, she got a man acquitted of rape whom she knew was guilty. In case you don't see it, there are two major problems here: 1. That's not very pro-woman. 2. That's not very good attorney-client privilege. Health Did you see her seizure? What about that time out of the spotlight last year due to "head injury?" I think there's more here than meets the eye, and I am genuinely concerned over...

Shooting Blacks

But... But... That doesn't fit The Narrative®

Raising Them Wrong

Recently witnessed. Situation: a divorce. There are two children involved. Originally, mom has custody of the children. After a while, mom got in over her head financially. She agrees to let dad have custody of the kids. Normally, I'd say this is a good thing. Children typically do better with dad than mom in a divorce situation. This was not the typical. Dad was not a man. He was a cuckservative. Please remember, cuckservatives are folks who like conservative ideas, but who adopt SJW and liberal talking points when push comes to shove. And, as might be expected, this particular cuckservative was a gamma . A Secret King. At first, the children did better, as would be expected. Then, the children started waking up to the fact that dad kept the three laws of SJW: he always lied, he always doubled down, and he always projected. Needless to say, the children - particularly the daughter - started expressing severe emotional and behavior issues. Last time I saw the daughter, she was...

That's Not Racist

Found via Facebook - It's Time You Realize #AllLivesMatter Is Racist   Make no mistake, the BLM movement is racist in its very nature. What's more, BLM has resorted to  guerrilla tactics . Some might say "terrorist tactics,' but Mountain Guerilla knows whereof he speaks, so let's go with that. To me, this author at Advocate has the markings of a SJW. From  SJWs Always Lie  we learn the three laws of SJW: 1. SJWs always lie. 2. SJWs always double down. 3. SJWs always project. It would seem #1 and #3 are the order of the day. Clearly, the inclusion of all lives as mattering is not racist. There is zero mention of race. If you feel it maximizes one race, or minimizes another, then it's your problem. Either learn to read with comprehension, or stop projecting. Ah... that's the reason, isn't it??? So, when the SJW at Advocate writes that #AllLivesMatter is racist, she is projecting. She could be projecting her own racism. She could be projecting the...

Which Way Do They Want It?

A feminist had this picture posted, and right after it, an article with the following headline: Give it a shot ladies, you won’t regret it, and you just might find yourself with more dates than you know what to do with. :) And here is a transcript of the article: Watch out world this week made me realize I love being ballsy af In today’s day and age gender roles are starting to disappear (can I get an amen?). Women are (almost) making as much money as men, they are proposing and they are essentially ruling the world, so why should I be afraid of texting a guy first or asking him to grab a drink? The answer is I shouldn’t be afraid, but society tells me I should. Society tells me I shouldn’t double-text, act too interested or even initiate conversation. I’m supposed to wait. I’m supposed to wait until the man decides to give me the time of day, and I’m not a very patient person. So, waiting doesn’t really work for me, and neither does ...

Hillary's Emails

The statement by FBI Director, James Comey in italics. My remarks in bold. Good morning. I’m here to give you an update on the FBI’s investigation of Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail system during her time as Secretary of State. Put on your wading boots. After a tremendous amount of work over the last year, the FBI is completing its investigation and referring the case to the Department of Justice for a prosecutive decision. What I would like to do today is tell you three things: what we did; what we found; and what we are recommending to the Department of Justice. This will be an unusual statement in at least a couple ways. First, I am going to include more detail about our process than I ordinarily would, because I think the American people deserve those details in a case of intense public interest. Second, I have not coordinated or reviewed this statement in any way with the Department of Justice or any other part of the government. They do not kn...

What is a Cuckservative

Some friends and family have seen me use the term cuckservative a few times, and the wonder what it means. Just for propriety,   Milo  was probably the first and best to describe it. Cuckservative is, simply put, a word that is an amalgam of cuckold (def. - fetish of watching one's partner having sexual relations with another person; specifically, watching one's wife have relations with another man) and conservative.  And that's what so many conservatives have done... cuckservatives have relinquished the masculine duties to someone else . Voting for Romney and McCain. Accepting liberals like Kasich and Lamar! in the conservative party. Falling for SJW bullshit lines. Letting other countries and peoples push us around. Enough! In SJWs Always Lie ,   Vox Day  points out, as a strategic principle, that one should keep the moderates in check. Cuckservatives are the moderates. Vox suggests that one can identify a moderate with this litmus test: - Moderates only...

Book Review: SJWs Always Lie

Recently I read the book SJWs Always Lie:  Taking Down the Thought Police , by Vox Day. This book has many hidden and not so hidden treasures in it, and came highly recommended. Abstract I've read Vox Day's blog posts for years. Generally I skip over his penchant for detailing his clashes with folks over matters of gaming or science fiction writing, as I'm not overly fond of either topic. To be sure, this book has plenty of gaming and sci-fi; but it is quite forgivable, as it helps Day give solid advice for dealing with Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) everywhere.  Review Day describes in detail his dealings with SJWs in the gaming and sci-fi arenas. In so doing, he draws several broad conclusions that are true of SJWs everywhere. He summarizes the three laws of SJW, eight stages of SJW attack sequence, what to do when SJWs attacking, strategic principles (for dealing with SJWs), and winning the Social Justice War in the West. There are also many other related tidbits o...

Know Your Role

This article  makes for an interesting read. If it were followed more closely, divorce rates would not hover near 50% in America. Not ironically, the women who make snide comments below the article also speak of being divorced. 1.) Have dinner ready. Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal ready, on time for his return. This is a way of letting him know that you have been thinking about him and are concerned about his needs. 2.) Most men are hungry when they come home and the prospect of a good meal (especially his favorite dish) is part of the warm welcome needed. 3.) Prepare yourself. Take 15 minutes to rest so you’ll be refreshed when he arrives. Touch up your makeup, put a ribbon in your hair and be fresh-looking. He has just been with a lot of work-weary people. 4.) Be a little gay and a little more interesting for him. His boring day may need a lift and one of your duties is to provide it. 5.) Clear away the clutter. Make one last trip through t...

7 Alpha Traits?

7 Traits of an Alpha Male. Interesting meme, and I'm sure the book has some merit, too. However, there are some misleading statements here. Let's take a closer look. For simplicity, let's use Heartiste's ALPHA - BETA dichotomy model. Helpful, but not condescending A true ALPHA is helpful, but can also be condescending. In fact, one of the three main methods of passing a shit-test is to ridicule and reframe . An ALPHA won't always be condescending, but will be when you warrant it (men) or ask for it (women). Confident, but not cocky Outright false. An ALPHA is confident to the point of cocky when in his element. However, an ALPHA is also brutally honest with himself. If he finds himself in an unknown environment, he may have to simply settle for confidence. Vain, but not conceited The conceited part depends. If the ALPHA is just with his boys, then true. However, if a woman of interest or potential interest is in range, then this is absolutely not true. Proud,...

Jeb! Squeaks Out

Jeb Bush, being the gamma he is, has hinted he might  vote Libertarian in protest of Trump. This, of course, is the pot calling the kettle black. Jeb is one of the few (R)'s that, had he achieved the nomination, would have had me voting 3rd party. And, just in case you forgot who is more man:

Trump vs. Ginsburg

A quote from Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: “He (Trump) is a faker. He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. ... I can't imagine what this place would be -- I can't imagine what the country would be -- with Donald Trump as our president. For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be -- I don't even want to contemplate that." (Via CNN and the New York Times) Trump's reply sounds as if it was whatever came into his head at the moment - "Justice Ginsburg of the U.S. Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political statements about me. Her mind is shot - resign!" (Via Twitter) But... there's a catch. Trump was actually right! The Judicial Canon of Ethics states that a sitting judge shall not publicly endorse or oppose a candidate in 5 (A)(1)(b). Ginsburg later issued an "apology" (it was really more of an "I regret saying that"). So...

Deconstructing the Myth of the Alpha Female

This one is absolutely hilarious. Traits of the "alpha female." We all know there is really no such thing as an alpha female. Females are best rated in tiers . Nevertheless, the talking points in the meme make for a good blog post here. She is pro woman On the surface, this sounds just fine. However, we all know this is coded language for "she is a feminist." And quite frankly, there is nothing more unattractive in a woman than the presence of two things: excess fat and feminism. There is no way a woman can retain top tier status if she is a feminist. She cultivates a life she enjoys Again, sounds good on the surface. Again there is a "however." This time, the coded language indicates that this woman "don't need no man." Since this is the number one tag line of feminism, the presence of this talking point also detracts from a woman's worth. She makes her move The theme repeats itself - sounds good, but is actually coded language. Ag...

Karate For Fighting 4

He who controls the distance controls the fight. Engage when you want to. Disengage when you don't want to. That's the secret to fighting successfully using your karate skills. Part 4 - other circumstances Sometimes, you find yourself not advancing or retreating, but in other situations. Here are some techniques and tactics to survive... and to thrive. Kuzushi Waza Sometimes, your opponent over extends on a strike, and you can use kuzushi waza. Sometimes, you intentionally over extend a strike, and find yourself in a position to execute kuzushi waza. Sometimes you are nearly in a clinch position. Use ashi-barai (leg sweeps) to trip opponent. Sniper attacks Sometimes, you are playing the distance with your opponent, and an opportunity presents itself for a precision attack. In addition to standard punches, here are some techniques that might be useful: Front kick (solar plexus, jaw, nose) Front jump kick Front thrust kick (rear leg) to hip or torso has the effect ...

Trump VP

Donald Trump has announced via his social media platforms that he will make public his VP selection this weekend. Of course, rumors abound.  Cuckservatives in Tennessee think Trump will select cuckservative Tennessee Senator Bob Corker. Only problem with that is nobody else is talking about Corker. Cuckservatives outside of Tennessee are squeaking about John Kasich. Conservative media outlets have speculated that retired general Michael Flynn will be the selection. Flynn is a registered Democrat, so this rumor might just be sour grapes coming from the media mouthpiece of the party that hasn't done what it's constituents want, and has paid the price so dearly this election cycle. Neocons have been saying for a while that Newt Gingrich is the presumptive selection. Neocons absolutely love Gingrich, so there's no telling how much of this is rumor vs. fact. The small, dying, cuckservative movement is unclear. At times, they suggest Ted Cruz will be the pick. At other times,...

Karate For Fighting 3

He who controls the distance controls the fight. Engage when you want to. Disengage when you don't want to. That's the secret to fighting successfully using your karate skills. Part 3 - retreat and stop-strike Bait the opponent in, then strike instead of retreating. This can stop an opponent in his tracks. Unlike a lunge or advance, you will likely use only a single strike. Combine with sudden lateral movement to get away unharmed. Good techniques for a stop-strike: Mae-geri kekomi (right front thrust kick) Choku-zuki Gyaku-zuki Mae-geri Double punch Failure Be prepared for your stop-strike to fail to incapacitate your opponent. If this happens, fear not! Use clinching techniques such as palms, elbows, knees, and sweeps to help you facilitate your escape. A double arm push or a frame; combined with lateral movement can make escape from a clinch easier. Considerations If you are retreating, but running out of room; use lateral movement to maintain the distance. I...

Karate For Fighting 2

He who controls the distance controls the fight. Engage when you want to. Disengage when you don't want to. That's the secret to fighting successfully using your karate skills. Part 2 - Advancing Advancing is the art of going after the opponent. You can go directly after the opponent, or you can cut him off. Cutting him off means you go where he is going , not necessarily where he is now. Once you decide whether you plan to attack directly, or cut him off; you must then decide whether to attack with a lunge or advance-step. Here are some good combos. Triple punch Jun-zuki - gyaku-zuki - jun-zuki Or Gyaku-zuki - jun-zuki - gyaku-zuki You can use either a lunge or advance. Double punch Jun-zuki - gyaku-zuki Or Gyaku-zuki - jun-zuki Again, this can be used with a lunge or an advance. A double punch can be followed by a front kick or round kick with devastating results. Kick - punch Mae-geri - jun-zuki Mae-geri - jun-zuki - gyaku-zuki Mawashi-geri - jun-zuk...

Karate For Fighting 1

Several readers have asked me over the years to summarize what karate I would use for self-defense. Easy enough task, let's dig into that this week. First, let's look at the techniques of karate that I would actually use. All techniques described will be based on an orthodox fighting posture. That is to say, left hand and left foot in front; and right hand and right foot to the rear. Punches Choku-zuki - straight punch (left) Gyaku-zuki - reverse punch (right) Jun-zuki - lunge punch or advancing punch Kicks Mae-geri - front kick Mawashi-geri - round kick Mae-geri kekomi - front thrust kick No doubt, there are many more effective strikes and kicks. However, these form the base from which many effective combos are built. Additionally, most other strikes and kicks are highly situational, whereas these movements have broad application. Body movement - tai-sabaki Head & shoulder movement Bouncing on feet Ducks & slips Lunge step directly toward opponen...

Sitting This One Out

Black Lives Matter Blue Lives Matter All Lives Matter I'll let them fight this one out. On one side is BLM. A known terrorist organization who has called for the taking of innocent police lives. They want to turn everything into a race issue... particularly when it's not.  They want to come to the defense of felons and other criminals, instead of innocent black people. The other side is our national police state. This group "feels threatened" more than anyone on the planet ever. When accused of a crime, they investigate themselves and find themselves free of wrongdoing a great majority of the time. A total lack of accountability and repercussions has tainted what ought to be an upstanding career choice. So I see people on social media saying they will stand with police. Or stand with BLM. I'll let them. And I won't be joining them. Let these groups kill each other off a bit. It will improve our society.

On Abuse

It's not abuse until the man fights back. Harrowing words, but true. In our modern society, we are taught and told that it's men who do the abusing. Fact is, that's just plain not true. Women, being far more emotional creatures, are more prone to act out emotionally. Sometimes, this cascades over into abuse - physical, verbal, emotional, etc. According to this article,  mothers are the culprits of child abuse 70.6% of the time. Fathers account for 29.4% of the time. But, you only ever hear the stories about the men. Furthermore, 60% of the victims are boys! Yet, we are told that it's the girls who suffer the most abuse. Clearly, that is false. It is a common occurrence that a man complains of abuse (or even reports it) and authorities laugh it off because "she's just a girl." Yet, over 40% of domestic violence victims are male.  How much higher would that number be if police actually took more threats by women against men seriously?  In a time of univer...

Dallas in Chaos

We awake to news this morning of all hell breaking loose in Dallas last night. The crux of the matter seems to be protests by Black Lives Matter. Make no mistake, BLM is a domestic terrorist organization. It is the USA's ISIS. Evidently, one (possibly more) BLM shooters were targeting police officers and several have been shot. Some shot dead. Media reports are calling it a sniper situation. I am skeptical about it being an actual  sniper situation. BLM claims the tension because a cop shot a black man who was legally carrying a firearm. At this moment, there are conflicting reports about the claim of him "legally" carrying. Of course, if someone is shot by a cop, the cop and the involved police force are going to try to make their kill seem provoked and warranted. Sometimes the police are right. Sometimes the police are wrong. The problem is, when the police are wrong, the officers who murder and commit other crimes rarely get punished. And in the unlikely event that ...

Gun Control Lies

Every time the media blows up over a mass shooting, the liberal articles come out of the woodworks. This predictable response includes references to the NRA as a "big lobby group." If you believe the articles, you'd be led to believe that the NRA is one of the largest lobbying groups in Washington. But we all know the liberal media lies. So... is the NRA one of the largest lobbying groups ? Liberal outlet,   Huffington Post , says "no." The NRA is (correctly) not even mentioned among the top 10 largest lobbying firms. Liberal media torch bearer, CNN, agrees. Here is   their list  of the top 10: 1. General Electric (GE): $134 million 2. AT&T: (T, Tech30) $91.2 million 3. Boeing Co (BA): $90.3 million 4. Northrop Grumman (NOC): $87.9 million 5. Comcast Corp (CMCSA): $86.4 million 6. Verizon Communications: (VZ, Tech30) $86.4 million 7. FedExCorp (FDX): $85.7 million 8. Exxon Mobil (XOM): $85 million 9. Lockheed Martin (LMT): $78.8 million 10. Pfize...

Well, Bye

Recently, George Will announced he was leaving the GOP over Donald Trump. He's not the first, and he won't be the last. Some even say the GOP is in a tailspin. Funny... more people voted in Republican primaries than ever before... more people voted for Trump than had ever voted in Republican primaries before. Perhaps the GOP is in a tailspin, though. Perhaps it had succeeded for decades in pulling the wool over the eyes of conservatives, American patriots, and the like. Perhaps the GOP was never representative of they typical liberty loving American. Perhaps it was always the party that was the lesser of two evils for whom these patriots felt obligated to vote. Mitt Romney ring a bell? In fact, if you "held your nose" and voted for either Romney or McCain, and now you say you'll never vote for Trump - you are exactly what was wrong with the GOP. You are the reason for the tailspin. Election results show you are a minority in the party. And the days of you and ...

No Charges

From   this link  - Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information. And... To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now. In other words, they are saying they won't bring charges because they don't think #HillaryForPrison2016 intended to break laws. But, if you or I did same, we could expect to face charges and almost certain jail time. 

Not What They Meant

Recently, I distributed Starbucks gift cards to several clients. On the back of the card it read - Treat this card like cash. Oh, so save you up in large quantities and exchange for guns and ammo? Because that's what I do with cash. Somehow I feel the Starbucks card will be somewhat less effective at procuring guns and ammo.

Destructive Influences

A reader poses the question - What's your take on the Eat Pray Love types? EPL is nothing but divorce porn . These days, men are chastised for seeking to "upgrade" wives (you know - younger and hotter), but so rarely do in actuality. But divorce porn directly sells women on the idea of "upgrading" their husbands. 70% of divorces are initiated by women. The laws and the "family" courts are already heavily skewed in favor of women. Divorce porn simply gives the woman a faux rationale to their antisocial actions. EPL and similar tear at the very fabric of our society. EPL is a destructive influence.