
Showing posts from February, 2016

Corporate "Safety" BS

A frequent reader forwarded this communication from their employer, [name redacted]. Look at the conflicting viewpoints in the same communication. Enhanced Security Helps Ensure Safety at Work Learn about new protocols rolling out at all [employer name redacted] offices, plus upcoming training and drills By [name redacted] Feb., 2016 The threat of workplace violence has been in the news and on the minds of our employees – and [employer name redacted] is taking new steps to help people feel safe and secure. One scenario that we want to be prepared for is a “hostile intruder,” or someone using a weapon in a confined, populated area like an office building. Those situations often begin and end in less than 10 minutes – and a lot can happen in the moments before law enforcement officials arrive. That’s why we’re introducing a host of new protocols – most of which will be in place soon – that will make us...

Tradcons Are The Problem

Yes, Tradcons are the problem. But never fear, they are too weak to stand in the way. Hence the new epithet cuckservative . These are the people that buy into feminist lies ("strong, independent woman") while supporting legislation and policies that are quite the opposite (e.g. alimony). In this example there is a challenge... one cannot simultaneously believe that our society is dependant upon strong, independent women and believe that alimony (or even child support) has any part in modern society. The two concepts are polar opposite. Recently, the author "lost" two friends because of personal beliefs in strong male and female roles in life. Of course, it wasn't really a loss, as people like this make piss-poor "friends." In correspondence, the former friend stated a desire to raise his daughter as a "strong, independent woman." This phrase stands for all that is wrong in modern society. Humans are not the only creatures that display diff...

Clinch Fighting

This is post 2 in a 6-part series. For self defense, simplicity is key. You cannot afford to find yourself in a fight and have too many options going through your head. You must be able to react immediately. So that said, this series will attempt to give you a breakdown of what movements you should drill until they are automatic. Naturally, different people will have different opinions, so the techniques suggested will be drawn from those most often used with success in MMA. Additionally, there are more options from each position than could ever be presented in a single blog post, so major alternatives will be presented in a list immediately following the highlighted techniques. Also, note that the strategy presented will be from the point of view of a jiu-jitsu fighter. A striking oriented fighter might use the major alternatives presented here as their go-to moves, while using the grappling philosophy as their backup plans. This does not indicate one style as being superior to ano...

How To Have A Happy Wife

Happy wife, happy life. If momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. Two true statements. In fact, the only point of contention is how one achieves making momma/wife happy. One thing is for certain - making your wife happy is not achieved by supplicating to her. This is not how you get a happy wife. In truth, you cannot make your wife happy. And even if you could,   it's not your job! But, as with everything else in life, there is a way you can encourage and promote your wife to be happy. And it's not by allowing this to happen: No, you need to take control of your life, men. Pursue those things that make you happy. Achieve, maintain and demonstrate superior SMV. Master the art of alpha -responses. Master the art of frame. Never supplicate to her, nor to any man in front of her. Take your God-given leadership role in your household. Expect she fulfill her God-given role as wife and mother. Remember, treat her fairly ("same-treatment" - with r...

Many Thanks

Many thanks to my readers and to   Bayou Renaissance Man  for the link. Today, we had an all time record on this blog of 1000+ page visits. Thanks for reading, thanks for commenting! Posted via Blogaway

Primary Final

Trump Cruz Carson Rubio Kasich Bush That's pretty much the Republican field at this time. By the time this article posts, I will have cast my primary vote. For whom, you ask? #libertarianfortrump How can that be? Nature abhors a vacuum. Right now, there is a major power vacuum as a hapless delta-male has been President for seven years.  Donald Trump is not only the only Alpha-male in this race, he's the only true alpha to have run for President since 1996 (and no, that one wasn't Dole). The unwashed masses yearn for leadership, and only one candidate can provide that. Of the remaining candidates, only Cruz touts liberty - and even he, not nearly enough. Trump is virtually the same as Carson on the issue. Rubio is shaky. Kasich and Bush are not liberty minded at all. So, in the primary, I vote Trump. In the general election? I'll vote for Cruz, Trump, or Carson without reservation. I might vote for Rubio if he is the candidate. I will not vote for Bush o...

Gun Control Troll

Witnessed on Facebook  - one of those "Hip" groups... Gun Control Idiot: I think all AR15 assault rifles should be banned. Pro-2A Counter-Troll: It's because they're black, isn't it? GCI: No, it's not because you're black. You look white in your profile picture. It is because they are death machines! P2ACT: Black rifles matter. All rifles matter! GCI: That is the most idiotic statement ever. Go away, the adults are talking! P2ACT: Maybe you'd accept me if I weren't so evil looking and so scary and so black! P2ACT: That's better. Now I'm not black anymore. Not so scary-looking. Now can you find it in your heart to love me? GCI: That's ridiculous. Go away. Besides, those rifles can't even be used for hunting. And what if one of your precious black rifles (or green? rifles) finds its way into the hands of a child? P2ACT: This might happen. Bystander: I think GCI's mind was just blown.  Posted via Blogaway

Red Pill Origins

The year was 1993. I had graduated high school and was headed off to college that fall. A small group of high school friends was my clique. Our core was 3 guys and 2 girls. We had some "orbiter" friends who were accepted in the group, just not as tight-knit as the core. That fall, one of the core girls, "Rachel," got a boyfriend. She had somewhat dated another guy in the core, but they weren't a good fit. But her boyfriend hung the moon. To be fair, nobody else in our clique really cared for the guy. I could have cared less, but he really didn't like me ( alphas often dislike sigmas ). One Saturday night, we were at Rachel's place, and she had some news. She was positively beaming. She wore a smile from ear to ear. The night before, she and dear boyfriend had engaged in sex. It was her first time. We all politely listened to the gory details as she recounted what had happened. They were kissing in her room. He undressed her. It just felt right. He go...

Mount Review

In this review, we shall investigate return to zero claims of the American Defense Mounts ACOG mount. The optic used was a Primary Arms PAC5X. The rifle was an M16A4 clone outfitted with a free-floating Del-Ton 20" government profile barrel with a 1:9 twist. Free-floating was accomplished via a LaRue quad rail. This set up was constructed to retain the M16A4 appearance, while simultaneously reaping the benefits of the free-floating. While not specifically a precision rifle, this set up can  hold its own.  The author would put this build up against any SDM build in terms of precision performance. Control Group First, a control group was shot. Technically, two control groups were fired. Hornady 53 gr VMAX and Federal 50 gr Tipped Varmint. The point of aim was the second square down from the top right corner for the Hornady. The point of aim for the Federal was second square down from the left top corner. As you can see, both groups were under 1 MOA. At this point, the sco...

Fight Standing 1

This is post 1 in a 6-part series. For self defense, simplicity is key. You cannot afford to find yourself in a fight and have too many options going through your head. You must be able to react immediately. So that said, this series will attempt to give you a breakdown of what movements you should drill until they are automatic. Naturally, different people will have different opinions, so the techniques suggested will be drawn from those most often used with success in MMA. Additionally, there are more options from each position than could ever be presented in a single blog post, so major alternatives will be presented in a list immediately following the highlighted techniques. Also, note that the strategy presented will be from the point of view of a jiu-jitsu fighter. A striking oriented fighter might use the major alternatives presented here as their go-to moves, while using the grappling philosophy as their backup plans. This does not indicate one style as being superior to ano...

Equip For SHTF

In the event that the shit hits the fan, a person would do well to be prepared. Once you have achieved a certain level of preparedness, then comes time to think about priorities in the carrying of needed tools, weapons, and equipment. Level 1 - Immediately Necessary These are the things that should never leave your possession. In other words - don't put them down. Sleep with them on you if need be. - Handgun (and extra mags) - Knife - Wallet - Keys - Phone Level 2 - Weapons The history of the human race is filled with violence. Don't pretend for a moment that any SHTF situation does not have the potential to turn violent. Expect it. As such, never find yourself more than a short sprint away from your rifle and chest rig. 100 yards is way too far. A good start is a minimum of 7 mags (1 in the rifle, 6 on the chest rig or belt) for your AR15. Also, a chest rig is an excellent way to carry extra pistol mags, as well as commonly needed tools like a knife, a fla...

Happy Women Know Their Role

Women are happier in life when they fulfill their natural role of wife and mother than if they work for some company doing something. Such a misogynistic statement! If a man makes it.   But, it is  an empowering statement  if a woman makes it. In other news, if a black man calls another black man "ni**er," then it's ok... but if a white man calls the same black man the same term, then it's racist. How about we apply some common sense, people. Posted via Blogaway

Barrel Comparison

In a few months, my wife will be attending a shooting clinic. To be fair, I will also be there. However, my role will not be that of a fellow shooter. Since precision will be one of the measuring tools of this clinic, I decided to test my wife's rifle ("Pinky") with several different ammunitions. Also, the clinic will be shot at a distance of 50 yards, therefore, this evaluation was performed at 50 yards. For posterity  (and shooting enjoyment), each ammo was also tested with my SPR - which is quite possibly the most accurate rifle I've owned. The rifle: "Pinky" is a 16" carbine, free floated with a Samson rail. She features a pink pistol grip and carbine stock, hence her name. Her barrel is from Blackhole Weaponry.  "Standard" thickness - thicker than a pencil barrel, but thinner than a typical medium contour barrel. The barrel has a 1:8 twist and a .223 Wylde chamber. The third picture demonstrates her capabilities with 69 gr. match ammo ...

Strong Independent Woman

"Strong, Independent Woman." Those words are a bit like nails on a chalkboard - irritation to hear, and means absolutely nothing. To get real use out of a chalkboard, one must write or draw on it. Similarly, for a woman to be useful, she must not be the feminist definition of "strong & independent." Because words do mean something, let's play the game. A strong woman would be able to change a tire or open a jar lid or build something with her hands. An independent woman would be able to completely pay her own way without external support such as child support, government subsidies, etc. The above memes were shared as they depict specific examples that are fairly common among self-proclaimed "strong, independent women." However, suppose you run across a woman who actually does pay her own way in life? Well, if you do run across such a specimen, you won't have to wonder if she does, there's a good chance  she will tell you . Of course, he...

Word Definitions Mean Something

A reader recently sent me an email, and it was quite clear that a definition was needed. So here it goes... According to Merriam-Webster,   Definition of "unfortunate" - 1 - a:  not favored by fortune :  unsuccessful, unlucky < an unfortunate young man > b :  marked or accompanied by or resulting in misfortune < an unfortunate decision > 2 - a :  infelicitous, unsuitable < an unfortunate choice of words > b :  deplorable, regrettable < an unfortunate lack of taste > Synonyms - calamitous, cataclysmal (or cataclysmic), catastrophic, damning, destructive, disastrous, fateful, ruinous, fatal Antonyms - fortunate, happy, lucky Posted via Blogaway

Why You Should Support Bernie Sanders For President

You should support a Bernie Sanders presidency, and here's why... Hillary Clinton is a very polarizing figure. If she's elected, we will have (at least) four years of gridlock. Things will not be able to progress. Much the same could be said of Trump. The minor Republican candidates - Christie, Kasich, Carson, Fiorina, etc. - and Rubio (the most major of the minor candidates currently) will most certainly keep the US on the Highway to Totalitarian Hell... albeit at a slower pace than we are currently going. Cruz, the most liberty minded candidate left on the Republican side, would not halt the motion of the handbasket... but he would wind the clock back thirty years on its "progress" toward that Very Hot Place. Bernie, though... Well, there's a reason Bernie's grassroots campaign uses the slogan #feelthebern . Bernie is the kind of guy that can reach across the aisle and get the establishment Republicans to side with him on his Totalitarian ideals. He...

Feminist Lies Take Down Male Meeting

Or did it? Return of Kings (which has been linked to on this blog on more than one occasion) had been set to host a series of meetings on saturday, February 6. Liberal feminists discovered this and started spreading lies. They had people believing that ROK advocates rape (they don't) and that the men attending these meetings would be on the hunt to rape women. None of it was true. In fact, it was supposed to be assembly and fellowship of like-minded men. Men who wish to see a return to the God-ordained masculinity and male-led hierarchies of old. Men who wish to happen to life instead of having life happen to them. No fewer than six of my friends shared the nonsense on Facebook. All six would call themselves conservative. I would not disagree. Five of the six go to church regularly. This goes to show you... be wary of "news" you get from Facebook. Not only that, but many of the meetings went on anyways. In Mount Juliet, TN, for example, several people went to the ori...

Comfortably Numb

Repeated exposure to something will either numb you to it, or make you overly sensitive to it. When I was a boy, my mother would use guilt trips on me and my siblings constantly . Ok, when an ordinary person writes that sentence, they mean maybe a total of 20-30 times in their life. My mom would pull a guilt trip 8-10 times per day, every day. So, from casual but conservative estimation: 7 times per day, 365 days per year, and let's only take 1985 - 1992 (from the time I was 10 to the time she moved out of our house when I was 17). I calculate 18,000 or so, not including leap years! With that level of exposure, one either becomes numb to guilt trips... like my sister and me, or one becomes overly sensitive to them, as  my brother did. The added side effect was a significant downplay of emotional response to anything. "Just don't give a $h!t" mentality. Actually, just plain don't care, either way. Now, not having a preference for an outcome does not make one o...


The other day, I saw this formula posted on Facebook: 6 ÷ 2(1+2) = ? Of course, some folks answered 9. Others answered 1. The question is intentionally designed to get people to do just that - give two supposedly correct answers. I hear-tell Bernie Sanders answered it with "grapefruit," but math has never been his strong suit. What was an interesting study was that both sides used "order of operations" and PEDMAS to validate their answers. And that's when I noticed something... the folks answering 9 had to really twist things up to make those two rule sets work. A bit of Google-fu, and my thoughts were corrected. They are not rule sets, but simply guidelines that attempt to standardize answers. Because of the fact that those guidelines can be interpreted two ways, a question constructed like this is done so on purpose - just to cause angst. Trolling . And some people love to do nothing but that. Often, they are people who are overly-sensitive themselves. ...

Gun Show Loophole Nonsense

Louder With Crowder did an   excellent piece  on the myth of the "gun show loophole." Worth a watch. Posted via Blogaway

Getting a Reaction

When you have plans for the weekend, and someone asks what they are... "Going camping with friends." Gets one response. Usually positive. "Attending some training with fellow preppers." Gets a different response. Depending on the person, it can range from positive or negative. "Getting ready for SHTF with my militia." That gets a reaction. Usually funny. Posted via Blogaway

Fight Prediction

In just over a month, UFC Women's Bantamweight Champion, Holly Holm, will have her first title defense against Miesha Tate. Tate held the title back when it was in Strikeforce, but lost it to Ronda Rousey four years ago. Holm, of course, defeated Rousey for the belt back in November. One of my martial arts students recently asked me who I thought would win. When I replied that I felt Holm would win, he asked how I figured it would play out. Would Tate keep it standing? Would Tate try to take Holm down? So here's my prediction: Holm will win, but it won't look "as convincing" to the casual fan. It might even be by decision. The way I see it, Tate will not be able to take Holm down. Rousey tried for six minutes, and got her face smashed for her effort. Rousey is a much better takedown artist than Tate. Holm, meanwhile, has the world's best MMA coach in her corner and a lights - out takedown defense. On the feet, Tate is a far better striker than Rousey will...