
Showing posts from October, 2015

American Infidel

Kafir - Arabic for " infidel ." How does one become a kafir? Simple - reject Allah, or reject that Mohammed was Allah's final prophet, or reject the teachings of the Koran (Qur'an). There are many places   to find this definition . But most of them agree pretty much down the line. Muslims have more than one category of infidel, but simply speaking, they fall into one of three different categories: 1. Christians and Jews - of "the book," but reject Allah / Mohammed. 2. Other faiths (Hindu, Buddhist, etc.). 3. Atheists. There are numerous ways a Muslim can become an infidel, and even though I've never been Muslim, just for fun, I'm trying to satisfy as many of them as possible. Beware the Muslim who makes the claim that Christians and Jews are not infidels - according to the Koran, it is not only permissible, but advisable to lie to the infidel to advance Islam.

Ready in a Minute

From a reader: What basic preparations do you have on hand to fill the role of modern minuteman? Excellent question. Understand, there are many correct answers. This answers for me. Considerations I travel for work. Often, I am in a hotel room a few hours drive from home. Not every week, but often enough. My minuteman setup is built around "getting home." Clothing I always carry regular clothes with me when I travel. Additionally, if the SHTF, I have my recon fatigues in my vehicle. My favorite pattern is A-TACS. Many fellow patriots select Multicam, and that's a good choice. My son likes old fashioned woodland camo, and that is also a good choice. Hiking boots from a reputable manufacturer and in a comfortable design colored in dull earth colors - tans, browns, greens. A hat and a shemagh completes the attire selection. Load Out My AR15 rifle (SPR build) with 7 loaded mags is the preference. As backup, a Smith & Wesson M&P in 9mm (full size) with 5 load...

Debate Observations

Wasn't it "odd" that the media was crowing over the "fact" that Trump was no longer polling in the lead. So much so that they seemed somewhat happy that the poll leader was Carson. Those "polls" are not to be trusted, that's for certain. The fact that Trump leads the field and that the leftist media hates it is proof enough that he may be the right guy for the job. He has moved the dialogue more to the right than anyone in the past century. The fact that the cuckservative part of the Republican party hates Trump almost as bad as the leftists should tell you how much they can be trusted. Ted Cruz had the zinger of the night when he attacked the media. Instant polling for that statement registered more favorably than any candidate has ever registered, according to several sources. Kasich and Bush should just drop out. Fiorina, Rubio, and Huckster should follow directly after. Posted via Blogaway

Putting the BS in the SHTF

A few observations about folks with poor discernment with regards to potential SHTF situations that may or may not be looming in our future. As a disclaimer, nobody can know for sure what calamity may strike or when, so general preparedness is to be commended. However, these ideas are common, and are clearly wrong for many reasons. " It's not gonna happen" mentality. These folks do not see America as being in a state of decline. They do not link the socialist actions of other countries with the inevitable collapse of same. They live in a protected bubble and are either ignorant or dishonest with themselves. "I have a handgun, I'm ready." No. You aren't. Some folks, usually those who have just realized that the world is not a nice place, buy their first handgun and think that's it. No training, no additional firearms or preparations, no skills. Some are simply proud of their purchase - and they should be. But don't let ego get in the way. ...

Scary Mommy

Submitted from a female reader: Let this rant add to your others about feminists. The theory that undesirable women are, by definition, the opposite of things masculine and / or Red Pill is alive and well in me, a woman. What I witnessed by a self-described atheist, feminist, and queen bitch married to a clear gamma would not surprise your readers at all. The female I observed has used recently this picture of a coffee mug declaring her the "World's Okayest Mom." Here is what the World's Okayest Mom did: At a parent-teacher conference, she was observed with her two sons, ages 2 and 6. The six year old was in first grade, hence the parent-teacher conference. She parks the two boys outside the classroom and proceeds to tell them to not move for the duration of the conference. She looks at me as if to try to solicit my help in watching them. As my conference was about to begin across the hall from her, I was in no position to offer help. For the record, ...

Touching The Butt

Problem: a man wants to touch his wife's butt. Here's how each archetype would respond: Alpha - Touches her butt. Gets a few extra squeezes in there. Beta - Warns her, but still touches her butt even if she objects. Delta - Asks if he can touch her butt. Gamma - Creates the power point slide shown above. Omega - Has no wife. You hear "click"  "click" "unzip" "fap" "fap" "fap." Sigma - Bends her over the nearest piece of furniture... Lambda - Touches his "husband's" butt.

Five Lies

Submitted by my brother, single guy. Five Lies told in the dating world: 1. I'm not here for a hook up. Yeah, that's why you posted this on Tinder - a known hookup site! 2. I am a self-sufficient woman. Yeah, thanks to hundreds of dollars in alimony, more by way of child support. And let's not forget that if your roommate leaves tomorrow with her $400 a month toward the rent, you'll be bankrupt in no time! 3. Body type: "average" or "curvy" Let's just have a site where you have to step on a scale and the weight determines the body type automatically. If it's wrong 25% of the time, then that means we will have 70% more honesty. 4. I'm not here to date, just to find friends. Then why on God's green earth are you on a dating site??? 5. Don't just think we will talk and I'll just give you my number. Oh, is it pay for play? Well here's a clue - there are websites dedicated to that. And plus, if I type in "ave...

No Hitch Hiking!

This event has brought much laughter to my family for years. Setting: My mother's car was damaged and needed repairs. I was to drive it to the body shop. Pops was in a separate car, as I would need a ride home. Pops also knew how to get to the body shop, and I did not - therefore, I was following him. What Happened: Pops turned left to get on the interstate. However, the light turned red, and I was unable to follow. Pops pulled over at the base of entrance ramp to wait for me. However... There was a hitch hiker at the start of the entrance ramp. He thought Pops had stopped to pick him up! The hitch hiker started jogging toward Pops' car! Pops wasn't about to pick up the hitch hiker... but he had to wait for me to get through the intersection... The hitch hiker drew near to Pops' car... My light turned green. I got on the entrance ramp... The hitch hiker got within arm's reach of Pops' car... and Pops took off! Full speed ahead!!! At this point, I c...

Cannot See the Irony

Leftist Facebook friends can provide vast amounts of humor and blog material. From one such: You cannot reguate what does not have rights, which is why the anti-choice group wants to give fetuses personhood...but you can pretty much kiss away your rights as a woman, in control of how you even labor and birth your baby if personhood rights exist. Yes, guns should be regulated. Bodies should not. A better suggestion would be that rights cannot be regulated. However, our government officials have made many a career of regulating rights. Posted via Blogaway

Nine Rounds

Nine rounds. Will it be enough? One on one, probably. Two on one, possibly. Three on one, maybe. Maybe not. Nine rounds. Will the rifle in the car do a better job? It will, but can I get there? It will, but do I need it? It will, but what dangers lurk between here and there? Nine Rounds will do for now. Nine rounds. Hope one is never needed. Hope, if needed, the family is not there. Hope, if needed, the family can be defended. The wife has seven more rounds. Nine rounds. The draw will be smooth. The shot will fly true. The awareness will be made. The martial art of it has been honed. (This poem written by someone who carries a S&W Shield 9mm with nine rounds in it) Posted via Blogaway

Inside The Mind

Liberal friends on Facebook are not a necessity, but can most certainly be a source of humor, insight, and subject matter for this blog. They could all be unfriended with no interruption to life and little inconvenience. And that's the key - convenience. One such friend, a self-identified feminist, with distinct leftist leanings, made this her status the other day: Since we can't seem to come to a consensus on gun laws, I have an idea. Let's separate the country into two halves. Those of you who think the answer is more guns/more freedom to carry guns can have one half, and the ones who think the answer is tighter gun legislation or bans can have the other. No weapons allowed to cross the border. Hmm, I wonder which side the criminals will flock to... Now, of course her words were meant to suggest that violence would only ever occur in the half of the country with weapons, but we all know that's not how it would work. The criminals would prey on the unarmed populac...

Memphis > Ole Miss > Alabama

Yesterday, between errands, I got to watch parts of the Memphis - Ole Miss game. Memphis won, of course. And they won in convincing fashion. It was no fluke, and the final score did not properly convey how lop-sided it truly was. I am a UTC Mocs fan first, as they are my alma mater . The Tennessee Vols are my favorite team that I've followed for 30 or so years. However, I did live in Memphis for a while and am not reluctant to root for the Tigers. My friend, Right Minded, is a Tigers alumni and between his blog and Twitter feed, I remain regularly updated on their progress. As it stands right now, Memphis is the best college football program in the state of Tennessee. They deserve a top 15 ranking. They've not had an easy schedule, and the Ole Miss team is a legitimate top 25 team. If the Tigers were to play my Vols, it would be another Memphis win. If Memphis had played the Vols schedule, the worst they'd be right now is 5-1, with a realistic chance at being 6-0. They...

Combating the Mental Disorder

This week , I've posted a couple of articles about my disdain for abortion. Make no mistake, as a Libertarian, I do not think the government has the wherewithal to correctly regulate abortion, but then, they cannot regulate anything correctly. With the fact that abortion has been legal for a bit longer than I've been alive, we can actually use this horrendous act as an indicator of personal mental stability. Indeed, see these excerpts from one of my   favorite blog posts ever - Do not date any woman who has had an abortion. Make it very clear that you will not involve yourself with any woman who would murder her own progeny. It is a non-negotiable. The reason the murderous abhumans that call themselves "feminists" work so hard to remove the shame and stigma from the monstrous act is because women are so highly susceptible to social rejection. That is their intrinsic weak point. That is the point to which men and women of moral standards must relentlessly apply pres...

More Mental Disorder...

From an idiot: Abortion is not in the constitution but right to privacy is and that is why Roe v Wade was in favor of abortion because Jane Roe had the right to not disclose the nature of her abortion (at the time it was only legal in cases of take and incest). Also the constitution does give the rights to people over their own bodies and the right to decline medical procedures. And those rights, human rights, just as equality, cannot be discriminated by the states, which is why the supreme court has interpreted the constitution as such. Yes, guns should be regulated. Bodies should not. So, there you have it: the Constitution somehow protects abortion, but not guns. Give no medicine to the dead... it serves no purpose.

It Really is a Mental Disorder

Some time back, I came across this argument from a  pro-death / pro-choice woman. Yes, by definition, this person is basically worthless to the human race. Here's why: I mean, it's not a person until it's born, so technically no lives are killed. If you believe that an 8 week old embryo is a person, there isn't really much of a discussion. The rights of a woman are not trumped by that of a fetus.... You cannot reguate what does not have rights, which is why the anti-choice group wants to give fetuses personhood...but you can pretty much kiss away your rights as a woman, in control of how you even labor and birth your baby if personhood rights exist. The US constitution affords that women and men have the rights to their own bodies and to any medical procedure. Even a woman at 39 weeks pregnant can still (and should) deny any medical treatment, even if it means that her baby dies, because she has the right to do so. Like it or not, women can make the same choices for...

Patrolling Training Review

Some time back, I attended a training session with 13 fellow patriots. The topic was patrolling. The session was taught by a US Marine, who was about 5 years removed from his time in the infantry. It is my understanding that his MOS was 0311 - infantry - and that he had served overseas. I am unsure if it was Afghanistan or Iraq, or both. Two other Vets assisted in demonstrations. Out of respect, I am keeping all personally identifying information out of this review. My son (age 10) was one of the group of 14. There were three teenage boys, who were remarkably well mannered and well behaved. Two women were in the group. Of the grown men, I was one of two (that I know of) who had not been in the military. There were many nuggets of information that were passed along which have applicability outside of patrolling. Things you might hear in a tactical carbine class or other combat oriented class. * Keep your head on a swivel. * Complacency kills. * In a gunfight, you need to be shooti...

Riddle Me This

Suppose you support abortion. Scenario 1 A woman is pregnant and wishes to end the pregnancy. Should she have the right to do so? If so, then... Scenario 2 A man finds out he is going to be a father. (For the sake of argument, let's presume we have the results of a legitimate paternity test)  He does not wish to be a father. He should have the right to force the woman to terminate the pregnancy, lest he be on the hook for child support.  At the very least, he should have the right to post an objection that would exempt him from financial support. Scenario 3 A person causes a car accident (or similar) wherein a pregnant woman and her fetus are killed. Clearly, the person is responsible for the death of the mother, either through intentional act or negligence, depending on exact circumstance. If the circumstance is negligence, then this person should clearly not be charged for the death of the fetal infant as it was not their desire that the fetus should die. If you ag...

Idiots Abound

On FB a few days ago, someone put up this faulty meme suggesting gun buyers be subject to all the regulations to which those seeking abortions are subject. I replied with my opinion that neither should be regulated by the government. One response was hilarious: "nobody is trying to take away your guns, but abortions are heavily regulated." Funny thing is, Obama clearly hinted at taking guns away just a   few days prior - We know that other countries, in response to one mass shooting, have been able to craft laws that almost eliminate mass shootings.  Friends of ours, allies of ours -- Great Britain, Australia, countries like ours.  So we know there are ways to prevent it.   Australia and the UK have had outright bans, to disastrous results. The UK has recently been seen trying to ban knives as people still kill people. Again, it it not the inanimate object. A few takeaways from the comments: Liberalism (and abortion support) is a mental illness Any woman past...

Great Honor

A couple of weeks ago, I conducted a belt test at my martial arts studio. 14 people were deservingly awarded new rank. My karate instructor,   John Suarez , came down to be part of the Shinza (examination board) for this jiu-jitsu examination. Afterwards, I treated everyone to lunch at the   Greek Deli  as a celebration. When he got back home, Mr. Suarez penned this letter to me via Facebook. It was an honor to receive, and I wish to preserve it here: I want to thank you very much for having Sensei Menard and I on your Shinza board and lunch afterward. Your family-based school is wholesome, fresh, and united. Your students show confidence, determination, great spirit, and their level of proficiency is outstanding. Above all, your students and their families are having fun, which can only be achieved with a compassionate, dedicated, and above all, knowledgeable chief instructor. I am very proud of what you have accomplished in the last 30 years, that 10 year old ...

Statements of Truth

You've gotta have it to lose it. One cannot lose what one does not have. Lies do not become a man of action. Those who lie (to themselves or others) do not act. Those who take action do not lie. Faith without works is not Faith Read the Bible - book of James - for clarification. Also, put your money where your mouth is. Real "manning-up" has nothing to do with income redistribution. Self explanatory. Often, the one who was promoted was the only one stupid enough to be promoted. Often, the least threatening person is hired / promoted. Age is no measure of wisdom. Rank is no measure of wisdom. Two is one and one is none. Things fail. You know that. Prepare for it. Have backup. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. Get the technique right, speed will come. People either make excuses or examples. Never both. Posted via Blogaway

Special Kind of Stupid

It takes a special kind of stupid to join an organization like the Boy Scouts, while being an atheist (this week, at least), and then complain about one of the (optional) merit badges requiring a project showing your religion. Here's a hint (pick any one): - Don't join an organization known to have Christian values if that upsets you. Heck, Boy Scouts have made major headlines in recent years for having Christian values. Don't say you didn't know. - Leave said organization without drama. I know, I just took your only tool in life away. - Don't participate in that project. Don't earn that merit badge. BFD. Sounds like the kind of person that would do a profile picture overlay of supporting planned parenthood, using a picture of their toddler. It takes an asinine idiot to support a group that makes its money off of killing children and illegally selling the body parts; and to do so with a picture of your child ...

Needing Validation

Sigmas despise gammas . Don't take it personally, they have a general disdain for the other members of the heirarchy in general. The irony is that gammas , by nature, usually look up to sigmas . When shunned by the sigma , the gamma will often develop a hate for the sigma . Remember that hate is not the opposite of love - antipathy is the opposite of love. That sigma will be the object of the gamma's scorn - like a woman who was jilted by her lover. Remember - gammas were made by BETA  (Heartiste dichotomy - read as delta or gamma here) fathers supplicating to domineering non-feminine mothers. So they learn to supplicate to men and women. Additionally, just like a woman will try to demonstrate value to an alpha (or sigma ), so will gammas try to demonstrate value to a sigma . For all my life, I've had gammas try earnestly to show me their value - my brother, my brother in law (one of the   gamma pastors  mentioned earlier), "secret admirers," coworkers...

Poor Exegesis

A few days ago, I saw a video wherein a pastor denounced the discovery of water on Mars as being impossible to sustain life, due to his interpretation of Acts 17:26. Basically, he said man will never live on any other celestial body, nor is there life anywhere else in the Universe. The problem is, he stated that Acts 17:26 states this. So let's examine... Acts 17:22-31 HCSB (verse 26 in bold) Then Paul stood in the middle of the Areopagus and said: “Men of Athens! I see that you are extremely religious in every respect. For as I was passing through and observing the objects of your worship, I even found an altar on which was inscribed: TO AN UNKNOWN GOD. Therefore, what you worship in ignorance, this I proclaim to you. The God who made the world and everything in it — He is Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in shrines made by hands.  Neither is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives everyone life and breath and all thi...

Live Free or Die

If you want an apology from me for filling your FB pages with pro-gun stuff today, forget it (come on, you shoulda known better!). If this causes some to dislike me, then so be it. If you unfriend me over it, then great - good riddance. If you won't talk to me in real life for it, then that's fantastic... but I will still pray for you. But, if you want to take rights away, then you're gonna have a fight on your hands. A fight you cannot win. And not because I'm some bad ass with martial arts or a gun, though that will certainly figure into it. No, you won't be able to win this fight because in the end, I'll fight for my rights and yours to the death. And if I die defending these rights, then I never lost them. Indeed, I kept them to the end. And if you are that determined, then I don't mind being forced to take your life, because someone who will take one right away will never stop there... they will always want more. So you see, it's not about guns, i...

Most Common Twits

From a reader: You've written a fair amount about behavior topics and seem well read on the subject. In real interactions, though, what seem to be the most common psychological defense mechanisms that you see in day to day life? Great question. Projection & Cognitive dissonance Learn these two and you will spot 95% or more of psychological defense mechanisms in use. Report

20" barrel SPR barrel M4 barrel M4 ready-up SPR ready-up Precision ready-up El Diablo - SPR The folks at  sent me some ammo to review. From my conversation with Eric at AmmoMan, here is my review. The ammo was PMC X-Tac .223 ammo in the 62-grain green tip variety. For those keeping score, PMC claims the rounds are loaded to M855 specs, and the information on their site  reflects that. AmmoMan contacted me on a Tuesday. After a couple of email exchanges, the ammo was in my house when I came home Friday. I received emails when the packages were shipped and when they had notification of delivery - just like any other reputable dealer such as Primary Arms or LaRue Tactical. For the first test, I measured accuracy (technically precision). First rifle used was my 20" precision rifle. It has a stainless steel heavy barrel from Model 1 Sales with a 1:8 twist and is free floated with a LaRue quad rail. With precision ammo, this rifle has shot groups under 1 MOA....

Introvert Scale

A good friend, whom I have known for many years is the subject of today's discussion. He is an introvert. I know this because of observation. But also because he identifies himself as an introvert. Rarely does a week go by that he doesn't tweet something from a Twitter account called "Introvert Life." Many people mistakenly assume that an introverted person cannot demonstrate masculinity. Nothing could be further from the truth. Now, by definition, you will not see many true top alpha males who are introverted, that's does not mean an introvert cannot be at the top of the food chain. At first glance, due to my friend's preferred and intentional quiet nature, you might be inclined to think him a delta . Indeed, that would be a fine spot in life for an introverted man, as   Alpha Game  points out, Deltas " have responsibilities and do not normally shy away from them. " That is a noble life to be sure. However, my friend is most surely a leader with...